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Were I mistress here I should oppose it." "Willoughby blames himself for not reassuring you before." "Indeed we blame ourselves for not undertaking to go." "Did he speak of it first this morning?" said Clara; but she could draw no reply to that from them. They resumed the duet, and she resigned herself to have her cars boxed with nonsense. "So, it is understood?" said Miss Eleanor.

'Not at home, but men say what they like at school, and the 'bus was scrumptious and splendiferous! 'I'm sure it wasn't, said Valetta; 'I can't bear being boxed up with horrid rude boys. 'Because you are only a girl! 'Now, Gill, they shot with 'Val, if you tell 'Telling Gill isn't telling. Is it, Gill? She assented. 'They did, Gill. They shot at us with pea-shooters, sighed the girl.

The boys came to the door, one by one, and stood watching, until we had the full dozen for audience. Before any one realized what was happening, we were playing together real pretty, with the chilly shoulder barred and the social ice gone the way of a dew-drop in the sun. We boxed and wrestled, with much scientific discussion of "full Nelsons" and the like, and even fenced with sticks.

He sent everybody away and boxed himself up in the place with a lot of petroleum. And it blazed! You should have seen it! Just think, a great big affair, almost all made of wood and stuffed with hay and straw! The flames simply towered up, and the finest part of the business was that the horses didn't want to be roasted.

She was pure and hearty and substantial. She was neither diffident, nor slow of speech, nor vacillating. She came, at the invitation of Lovell's parents, to marry Lovell, and if he had refused, she would have boxed his ears as a wholesome means of correction, and married him on the spot.

I fancy I've hit on the woman he means to marry; had an idea of another woman once; but he's one of your friendly fellows with women. That's how it was I took him for a fish. Great mistake, I admit. But Tom Redworth 's a man of morals after all; and when those men do break loose for a plunge ha! Have you ever boxed with him? Well, he keeps himself in training, I can tell you.

He dealt the miscreant a blow on the ear. The police here appeared and as usual arrested the innocent Happy Hooligan of the affair. Being taken before the Magistrates he was accused of striking a free citizen. Cellini insisted he had only boxed the man's ears, but many witnesses in chorus averred that he had struck the citizen in the face with his clenched fist.

"If we found rats coming from a rat-hole," said Tommy very quietly, "and ferrets went down and didn't come up, we'd gas them." "And so," Denham told him, "so would the Golden City." He pointed to a boxed double paragraph news story under leaded twenty-point headline: "Poisonous Fog Kills Wild Life." The story was not alarming.

It seems he tried it with another little boy at school, and one of the bigger ones boxed his ears and rowed him. 'Ay; Bruce promised me to look after him. 'So he refused. He told me he was on his honour to you not to stay if I did anything your father would have disapproved. He did leave me once, when I would not leave off. 'But how could you?

I had at last resolved to make a kite of it, and, taking advantage of Beaupré's slumbers, I had set to work. My father came in just at the very moment when I was tying a tail to the Cape of Good Hope. At the sight of my geographical studies he boxed my ears sharply, sprang forward to Beaupré's bed, and, awaking him without any consideration, he began to assail him with reproaches.