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Then all of his possessions had been stowed in a long, bolster-like canvas bag for the short voyage. Both Angy and her husband recalled that time now the occasion of their first, and almost of their last, real separation. "A week'll pass in no time," murmured Angy very quickly, with a catch in her voice.

Put it on a pasteboard and when cold roll to the desired thickness, about one-quarter of an inch thick; lay any kind of jam over the paste, roll it into a bolster-like form and bake. Serve cold, whole, or in slices nearly an inch thick. Time twenty to twenty-five minutes to bake. From MRS. ANNIE L. Y. ORFF, of Missouri, Alternate Lady Manager.

She recalled the men she remembered teaching week by week through all the years she had known them... the little bolster-like literature master, an albino, a friend of Browning, reading, reading to them as if it were worth while, as if they were equals... interested friends that had never struck her at the time.... But it was true she could not remember ever having felt a schoolgirl... or being "talked down" to... dear Stroodie, the music-master, and Monsieur old whitehaired Monsieur, dearest of all, she could hear his gentle voice pleading with them on behalf of his treasures... the drilling-master with his keen, friendly blue eye... the briefless barrister who had taught them arithmetic in a baritone voice, laughing all the time but really wanting them to get on.

This latter being of full model, although not resembling the swollen or bolster-like form of many imitations of the master, requires special attention with regard to fitting in of the fresh wood or core. The fresh wood must not be bent, or the matching of the grain with the old material will be impossible, and the repair when completed will be strikingly conspicuous.

I and Peter have great times getting out the military camp-bed from its tight, bolster-like case, while Kefalla gives advice, until, being irritated by the bed's behaviour, I blow up Kefalla and send him to chop firewood. However, we get the thing out and put up after cutting a place clear to set it on; owing to the world being on a stiff slant hereabouts, it takes time to make it stand straight.

The useful palm bears a huge bolster-like roll of fruit, which should be tried for oil: Cameron brought home a fine specimen for Kew. Here the land is evidently most fertile, and will form good farms for the Company. Leaving Arábo, we forded the double stream called the Bilá, which runs a few yards west of the concession.

As soon as the pair were at close quarters, one of the folded bolster-like arms made a sudden movement, and the back of the strong rough hand, hardened by forty years or more of toil, covered for an instant the youth's nose and mouth.