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The copy of the first edition of Pompey the Little, which lies before me, contains an excellent impression of the frontispiece by Louis Boitard, the fashionable engraver-designer, whose print of the Ranelagh Rotunda is so much sought after by amateurs.

Boitard and Corbie, 'Les Pigeons, etc., 1824, p. 12. Harrison Weir has himself observed, and has heard from several breeders, that a female pigeon will occasionally take a strong fancy for a particular male, and will desert her own mate for him. Some amorous males, called by our English fanciers "gay birds," are so successful in their gallantries, that, as Mr.

Thus MM. Boitard and Corbie, whose experience extended over forty-five years, state: "Quand une femelle eprouve de l'antipathie pour un male avec lequel on veut l'accoupler, malgre tous les feux de l'amour, malgre l'alpiste et le chenevis dont on la nourrit pour augmenter son ardeur, malgre un emprisonnement de six mois et meme d'un an, elle refuse constamment ses caresses; les avances empressees, les agaceries, les tournoiemens, les tendres roucoulemens, rien ne peut lui plaire ni l'emouvoir; gonflee, boudeuse, blottie dans un coin de sa prison, elle n'en sort que pour boire et manger, ou pour repousser avec une espece de rage des caresses devenues trop pressantes."

Boar, wild, polygamous in India; use of the tusks by the; fighting of. Boardman, Mr., Albino birds in U.S. Boitard and Corbie, MM., on the transmission of sexual peculiarities in pigeons; on the antipathy shewn by some female pigeons to certain males. Bold, Mr., on the singing of a sterile hybrid canary. Bombet, on the variability of the standard of beauty in Europe.

The sexes of the pigeon in the parent-species do not differ in any external character; nevertheless, in certain domesticated breeds the male is coloured differently from the female. Dr. Chapuis, 'Le Pigeon Voyageur Belge, 1865, p. 87. Boitard et Corbie, 'Les Pigeons de Voliere, etc., 1824, p. 173.