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"When he'd finished his tale I gave out that I reckoned it nobbut blether, but I minded all the same; and that neet, when I were i' bed, I couldn't give ower thinking o' what he'd said, and I made up my mind that I'd set the peat-ash on the hearthstone come Thorsday neet. Next morning I thought different, but all the same I couldn't get shut o' the temptation.

Saw onybody ever sic a gran' sicht as my Leddy Clementina! an' wha can say but she's weel named frae the hert oot? as guid at the hert, I'll sweir, as at the een! but eh me! to hear the blether o' nonsense 'at comes oot atween thae twa bonny yetts o' music an' a' cause she winna gi'e her hert rist an' time eneuch to grow bigger, but maun aye be settin' at things richt afore their time, an' her ain fitness for the job!

When the fire kindles and savory meat seethes in the pot, when there is a drowsy blether from the flock, and far down the mesa the twilight twinkle of shepherd fires, when there is a hint of blossom underfoot and a heavenly whiteness on the hills, one harks back without effort to Judaea and the Nativity.

"It's a girt big un, and he's too sharp for us. Well, it's getting on and we may as well go home. He's gone! Blether wean't come to the top no more!" "But will he take a bait again, Dave?" said Dick; "I mean, if we come another time." "Will yow want any dinner to-morrow, lad?" said Dave, laughing. "Ay, he'll tek a bait again, sure enough, and we'll hev him some day!

Jess spoke so mournfully that Hendry became enraged. "It's most michty," he said, "'at ye would gang an' set yer heart on sic a completely useless thing." "I hinna set my heart on't." "Dinna blether. Ye've been speakin' aboot thae eleven and a bits to Leeby, aff an' on, for twa month."

She sat at the foot of the bed listening. 'There! cried the soutar, triumphantly, 'I telled ye sae! Not ae word aboot the puir lad's sins! I expec' nae ring and nae robe, but I wad fain hae a fiddle i' my grup when the neist prodigal comes hame; an' gin I dinna fiddle weel, it s' no be my wyte. Eh, man! but that is what I ca' gude, an' a' the minister said honest man 's jist blether till 't.

An' a man 'at in ane o' his gran'est verses cud haiver aboot the birth o' a yoong airthquack! losh! to think o' 't growin' an auld airthquack! haith, to me it's no up till a deuk-quack! sic a poet micht weel, I grant ye, be he ever sic a guid poet whan he tuik heed to what he said, he micht weel, I say, blether nonsense aboot the sea warrin' again' the rocks, an' sic stuff."

"That man's a blether!" said the minister, as he and the schoolmaster came away from the member's house. "He won't use his influence with the Board because he hasn't got any. We'd have done better, mebbe, to go to a Nationalist M.P. Those fellows have more power in their wee fingers than our men have in their whole bodies. I wonder, now, could we persuade Matthew to send in his resignation.

When the fire kindles and savory meat seethes in the pot, when there is a drowsy blether from the flock, and far down the mesa the twilight twinkle of shepherd fires, when there is a hint of blossom underfoot and a heavenly whiteness on the hills, one harks back without effort to Judaea and the Nativity.

"Why that's rotten nonsense," said the resourceful half-marrow; "the thing's dead." "I don't care," responded the penitent thief, "I'll never handle them again, dead or alive. Oh, Christo, I am smarting!" "Hold your blether about smarting and suffering, you fool, or you'll get me nabbed," replied Ralph, who had now concealed both roosters.