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"Gary Warden, eh?" Lawler laughed quietly. "If you're lying " The man protested that he was telling the truth. At this point the tall man sneered. "Hell," he said; "quit your damn blabbin'!" "Yes," grinned Lawler, speaking to the small man. "You're quitting your talk. From now on your friend is going to do it.

Phil Doon, it appeared, had pressing reasons for returning home, but Peterson remembered that he had still an account to settle with his father, and resolved to share Dick's fortune. 'Right you are, said Dick. 'You fellers bring some crib to-morrer, an' if you see Parrot Cann tell him to fetch some too an', mind, no blabbin'.

An' I saw Muster Faversham coom oot an' Dixon. An' I knew that he wor there alone the owd fox! an' I waited an' oot he came. I shot 'un straight, Muster Boden! I shot 'un straight!" "You never told any one what you were going to do, Brand? Nobody helped you?" "Not a soul! I'm not yo'r blabbin' sort! But now I'm done I'm clemmed!" And he tottered against the bridge as he spoke. Baden caught him.

Since I've settled and married and got property, I've woke up in the night, sometimes, and thought what would happen to me if that Portygee's relatives got track of me through one of the crew standin' in with 'em blabbin' for what he could git out of it. I have to think about those things, now that I've got time to worry.

"Oh yes, but he's settin' up fer a saint now, ye know," said Dick Hunt, scornfully. "I owe him a lickin, an' he'll get it too 'fore he's many days older." "What for, Dicky?" questioned another. "What for? For blabbin' to my daddy an' sendin' him to Todd's after me, the night he come sneakin' in there himself," cried Dick.

I ain't goin' to take chances on his blabbin'! He goes along, and I'll fix him so's he won't blab and nobody'll get our trail if they do hunt us. The snow'll hide it," insisted Bill. "Well, let's get a move on then," said Hank. "The wind's risin' and it's goin' to kick up a sea. I don't want to be caught out on the Bay again in a sea like we had that other time.

But as you say, there's time enough, and my single and solitary advice to both o' you, is, don't look at one another before folks, if you can't keep your eyes from blabbin'. Not a soul suspicions anything now, and if you two'll only fix it betwixt and between you to keep quiet, and patient, and as forbearin' in showin' feelin' as people that hate each other like snakes, why, who knows but somethin' may turn up, all unexpected, to make the way as smooth for ye as a pitch-pine plank!"

I wonder how he feels now, when she's lost her last red and is goin' to be drove out of house and home. And all on account of that fool 'mountain and Mahomet' business." "WHICH?" asked Mr. Crocker. "Never mind that, Cornelius," put in Phinney, sharply. "Why don't you let other folks' affairs alone? That was a secret that Olive told your sister and you've got no right to go blabbin'."

"What division are you from?" "Hell, I came to warn you this bastard frawg's got soused an' has been blabbin' in the gin mill there how he was an anarchist an' all that, an' how he had an American deserter who was an anarchist an' all that, an' I said to myself: 'That guy'll git nabbed if he ain't careful, so I cottoned up to the old frawg an' said I'd go with him to see the camarade, an' I think we'd better both of us make tracks out o' this burg."

"I ain't afeered o' my boy blabbin'!" The brawny hand stroked the thin light hair of his only child. "An' I want he should learn to hate the stuff. It's the devil's best drivin' wheel liquor is. I'd ruther lay you with my own han's 'cross the rails this very night, an' drive Her right over you, than to know that you'd grow up a drunkard. Never do you forget them words, Junior!