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He balked five sep'rate times, varyin' in length, an' it was dark when we struck the barn." "I should hev thought you'd a wanted to kill him," said Mrs. Bixbee; "an' the fellers that sold him to ye, too."

But it wa'n't in the oil territory them days, or wa'n't known to be, anyway." "But it's eatin' itself up with taxes, ain't it?" objected Mrs. Bixbee. "Wa'al," he replied, "it's free an' clear, an' the taxes ain't so very much though they do stick it to an outside owner down there an' the p'int is here: I've alwus thought they didn't drill deep enough in that section.

'That's what it is, I says. 'Two hunderd, cash down." "Didn't ye dast to trust the deakin?" asked Mrs. Bixbee. "Polly," said David, "the's a number of holes in a ten-foot ladder." Mrs. Bixbee seemed to understand this rather ambiguous rejoinder. "He must 'a' squirmed some," she remarked. David laughed.

I believe," she asserted, "that David 'd 'a' stayed the thing out if it hadn't ben fer me; but as true 's you live, Cynthy Cullom, I was so 'shamed at the little 't I did see that when I come to go to bed I took my clo'es off in the dark." David threw back his head and roared with laughter. Mrs. Bixbee looked at him with unmixed scorn. "If I couldn't help makin' a " she began, "I'd " "Oh, Lord!

"Awful lonesome," she reiterated. "Guess nobody ain't ever very lonesome when you're 'round an' got your breath," was the reply. "What you talkin' about?" "I ain't talkin' about you, 't any rate," said Mrs. Bixbee. "I was sayin' it must be awful lonesome fer Mr. Lenox up here where he don't know a soul hardly, an' livin' at that hole of a tavern."

No," said Mrs. Bixbee, "I never had no childern, an' I don't know but what I was glad of it at the time; Jim Bixbee was about as much baby as I thought I could manage, but now " There was some reason for not concluding the sentence, and so we do not know what was in her mind.

John took advantage of the slight hesitation to interpose against what he apprehended might be a lengthy digression on the subject of the deceased Bixbee by saying: "You were quite a young fellow when you were married, I infer."

When David had filled the plates and handed them along Sairy was for bringing in and taking out; they did their own helping to vegetables and "passin'" he hesitated a moment, and then got out of his chair and started in the direction of the kitchen door. "What's the matter?" asked Mrs. Bixbee in surprise. "Where you goin'?" "Woodshed," said David.

Bixbee, being under her brother's interdict as regarded the subject which, had it been allowed discussion, might have opened the way, was at a loss for generalities. But John afterward got upon terms of the friendliest nature with that kindly soul.

I held a debate in Lincoln with Bixbee, of the Journal, a rank republican, who used only ridicule and satire, for he had no argument of course. I lectured for and with the "Red Ribbon Alliance" there who were so faithfully working and praying for the abolition of the saloon. The spring election in Lincoln was for prohibition but lost by sixty votes.