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Come here a minute," and she picked a thread off his sleeve and took the opportunity to turn him round for the purpose of giving him a thorough inspection. "That wa'n't what you said when you see me in my gold-plated harniss," remarked David, with a grin. "You didn't say nothin' putty to me." "Humph! I guess the's some diff'rence," observed Mrs. Bixbee with scorn, and her brother laughed.

"I guess I wouldn't go very fur into pertic'lers," said Mrs. Bixbee in a warning tone. David bent his head down over his plate and shook from head to foot, and it was nearly a minute before he was able to go on. "Wa'al," he said, "I heard Polly give a kind of a gasp an' a snort, 's if some one 'd throwed water 'n her face. But she didn't say nothin', an', I swan!

"'No jail birds in sight fur 's ye c'n see so fur, be they? I says. He, he, he, he!" "You needn't make me out more of a gump 'n I was," protested Mrs. Bixbee. "An' you was jest as " David held up his finger at her. "Don't you sp'ile the story by discountin' the sequil.

"I was beginning to feel quite low in my mind about it." She laughed a little. "I heard quite a good deal about you last year from a very good friend of yours," said Miss Clara after a pause. John looked at her inquiringly. "Mrs. Bixbee," she said. "Isn't she an old dear?" "I have reason to think so, with all my heart," said John stoutly. "She talked a lot about you to me," said Miss Clara.

David was what he called "a good feeder." Mrs. Bixbee, known to most of those who enjoyed the privilege of her acquaintance as "Aunt Polly," though nieces and nephews of her blood there were none in Homeville, Freeland County, looked curiously at her brother, as, in fact, she had done at intervals during the repast; and concluding at last that further forbearance was uncalled for, relieved the pressure of her curiosity thus: "Guess ye got somethin' on your mind, hain't ye?

I wasn't jest on my guard, knowin' him to be a deakin an' all that, an' he lied to me so splendid that I was took in, clean over my head, he done me so brown I was burnt in places, an' you c'd smell smoke 'round me fer some time." "Was it a horse?" asked Mrs. Bixbee gratuitously.

"Wa'al," David replied, "mebbe it had ben some time, but at that partic'lar time the only thing to determine that fact was that it wa'n't nothin' else." "Wa'al, I declare!" exclaimed Mrs. Bixbee, wondering not more at the deacon's turpitude than at the lapse in David's acuteness, of which she had an immense opinion, but commenting only on the former. "I'm 'mazed at the deakin."