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"Pri khlyeby bez khlyeby" is their own way of expressing the situation, which we may translate freely as "starvation in the midst of plenty." Thus the extremes of famine-harvest and the harvest which is an embarrassment of riches are equally disastrous to the poor peasant. Samara offers a curious illustration of several agricultural problems, and a proof of some peculiar paradoxes.

An' you de bez man I evva know in my life, 'Sieur Grandissime!" Her hands shook. "A man w'at nevva wan' to gid marri'd wid noboddie in 'is life, and now trine to gid marri'd juz only to rip-ose de soul of 'is oncl' " M. Grandissime uttered an exclamation of protest, and she ceased. "I asked you," continued he, with low-toned emphasis, "for the single and only reason that I want you for my wife."

Next day we offered our spare mining plant for sale on the roadside opposite Specimen Hill, placing the tubs, cradles, picks and spades all in a row. Bez was the auctioneer. He called out aloud, and soon gathered a crowd, which he fascinated by his eloquence. The bidding was spirited, and every article was sold, even Bez's own two-man pick, which would break the heart of a Samson to wield it.

"Just why I got him. He doesn't let the personal element prejudice him." "He is prejudiced. And most unfair. Ban," said Betty in her most seductive tones, "do call him down. Make him write something decent about us. Bez is fearfully upset." Banneker sighed.

After the rum, the dray, and the four horses were seized by the police. Dan and Bez grew sober, and went to Reid's Creek, passing me at work on Spring Creek. They came back as separate items. Dan called at my tent, and I gave him a meal of damper, tea, and jam. He ate the whole of the jam, which cost me 2s. 6d. per pound. He then humped his swag and started for Melbourne.

When we left Bendigo, Bez, Birnie, Dan, Scott, and Moses were of the party, and a one-horse cart carried our baggage. When we came to a swamp we carried the baggage over it on our backs, and then helped the horse to draw the empty cart along. Our party increased in number by the way, especially after we met with a dray carrying kegs of rum.

"I knew a few when I was a boy, but there was a good deal of fog and smoke, and latterly I have not looked up that way much; but I can spot a few of them yet, I think." Bez was a rather prosy poet, and his eye was not in a fine frenzy rolling. "Let me see," he said; "that's the north; Charles' Wain and the North Pole ought to be there, but they have gone down somewhere.

Diggers do not often turn their eyes heavenwards; their treasure does not lie in that direction. But one night I saw Bez star-gazing. "Do you know the names of any of the stars in this part of the roof?" I asked. "I can't make out many of the Manchester stars," he replied.

The two chums foot-rotted until they had earned thirty shillings each, then they went away and got drunk at a roadside shanty; at least, Bez did, and when the convict picked his pockets, he kindly put back three shillings and sixpence, saying, "That will give him another start on the wallaby track." Bez at last arrived at Flagstaff Hill, which was then bare, with a sand-hole on one side of it.

Ah!" continued St.-Ange, as they descended the stairs, "I thing every man muz have the rilligion he like' the bez me, I like the Catholique rilligion the bez-for me it IS the bez. Every man will sure go to heaven if he like his rilligion the bez."