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"You're right and I beg your pardon," said the Major, bowing to them. "I spoke thoughtlessly. So then I have the good fortune to be speaking to the very man I seek?" he went on, turning to Bruce. "Now I suppose the remaining questions are: Will you be at liberty to take up aviation again and do you want to?"

"An' I be damned ef he ain't right, too," chimed in Berry. "Sho, you Berry. Ain't yer'shamed now usin' cuss-words afore de minister!" said Sally. "Beg yer parding, Bre'er Hill," said Berry, taking off his hat, and bowing with mock solemnity to that worthy. "Hit's been sech a long time sence Sunday come ter our house dat I nigh 'bout forgot my 'ligion."

And so in despair and gloom dragged out the last months of Mary Tudor's life. The last message she received from her husband was to beg her to make no difficulties about the succession of the sister who, she knew, would seek to reverse her policy.

The girl's ague fit of fear had passed, and she seemed less concerned about the equivocal situation than a girl should be; at least, this is the way Tom's thought was shaping itself. He tried to imagine Ardea in Nan's place, but the thing was baldly unimaginable. A daughter of the Dabneys would never run and cower and beg to be hidden at the possible cost of her good name.

"I say to you again, this woman was my slave, and that she will again do as I shall choose. Your Grace, she would come and wipe the dust from my shoes if I should command it! She would kneel at my feet, and beg of me, if I should command it! Shall I prove this, your Grace?" "Oh, assuredly!" replied the regent, with a sarcasm which now seemed his only relief.

Tranquilized so far, Lady Loring bethought herself next of Major Hynd. "Can we tell him what you have done?" her ladyship asked. "Of course we can tell him," Stella replied. "I shall conceal nothing from Lord Loring, and I shall beg your good husband to write to the Major.

"But I really don't understand why you should raise such a tempest in a teapot over a theme. You make me quite curious to see it, I assure you. It must be a very strange piece of work." Eleanor's face went white instantly. "I beg your pardon, Miss King. I didn't mean to be either rude or disobliging or even queer.

Montague's residence, she was returning from her usual stroll, when the young man again suddenly appeared around the corner of a street she was passing, and almost ran into her. "I beg your pardon, Miss Richards," he exclaimed, stopping short, and regarding her with apparent surprise, while he lifted his hat to her with great politeness, "I hope I did not startle you."

After a pause, seeing, however, that Lady Florence remained speechless, he began: "You ride sometimes in the Park, Lady Florence?" "Very seldom." "It is, indeed, too warm for riding at present." "I did not say so." "Hem I thought you did." Another pause. "Did you speak, Lady Florence?" "No." "Oh, I beg pardon Lord Saxingham is looking very well." "I am glad you think so."

It had made him angry to see how the boy had striven with hands and feet against his delicate wife. "You rude boy, I'll teach you how to behave to your mother. Here" he seized hold of him by the scruff of his neck and dragged him up to her "here, beg her pardon. Kiss your good mother's hand. And promise not to be so wild again, not to behave like a street-boy.