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"To pad the hoof," and "to stand pad " the latter phrase meaning to stand upright, or to stand and beg, are probably derived from pat. It should be borne in mind that Gipsies, in all countries, are in the habit of changing certain letters, so that p and b, like l and n, or k and g hard, may often be regarded as identical.

"You're an effeminate little rotter, and I'm through with you. Go on and wag your tail and sit up and beg for biscuits " "Stop!" shouted Doggie, white with sudden anger which shook him from head to foot. He marched to the door, his green silk dressing-gown flapping round his legs, and threw it wide open. "This is my house. I'm sorry to have to ask you to get out of it."

"But he is not my lover," she stated, still speaking gently, but with a pale face turned to her companion. "I I beg your pardon," faltered the girl, humbly drooping her head, shamed by the cold pride in her tormentor's face; "but why, oh, why, then, won't you go?" she continued, wildly sobbing. "I assure you it is best."

Do you not know that the king has given me this bit of ground that I may enjoy my freedom here, and have a place where the Queen of France may have a will of her own?" "Your majesty," answered the duke with an expression of the profoundest deference, "I beg your pardon.

We must suppose a lapse of four years from the date of those events which concluded the last chapter; and, to recompence the reader, who I know has a little penchant for "High Life," even in the last century, for having hitherto shown him human beings in a state of society not wholly artificial, I beg him to picture to himself a large room, brilliantly illuminated, and crowded "with the magnates of the land."

I saw offense and I hastened to make a peace so that I should learn all that I wanted to know from her while letting her learn all that I did not know from me. "I beg that you pardon me, beautiful Madam, and teach me the English words to say that will express all of of the most wonderful things that I think of you.

Two shepherds, full of curiosity, even indiscreetly so, have allowed themselves to be mystified in a most amusing manner by three nymphs, or three shepherdesses, I beg your pardon, but I do not now remember if it was nymphs or shepherdesses she said; but it does not much matter, so we will continue."

But let me set my wits upon the hone, and if I canna beg, borrow, nor yet steal a boat, I'll make one!" "I think I see ye!" said I. "And what's more than all that: if ye pass a bridge, it can tell no tales; but if we pass the firth, there's the boat on the wrong side somebody must have brought it the countryside will all be in a bizz "

I am dear sir no longer; folks are only dear to Messrs. Goldiebirds in preference to yours, and had written to you in an unbecoming manner. I beg to make my most humble apology, as well as Mr. I am sorry to find, from an interview I had this day with Mr. Wardour, that he is much irritated, and, I must own, with apparent reason. I have only to add, that Mr.

"I beg your pardon. I will not do it again this time. But what is he?" "He is the Duca di Crinola." "Duke!" said Marion. "That's what he is, Marion." "Have they made him that over there?"