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Almost mechanically she left the shop, went to Sixth Street and to the "family entrance" of Meinert's beer-garden. She went into the little anteroom and, with her hand on the swinging door leading to the sitting-room, paused like one waking from a dream. "I must be crazy," she said half aloud. "He's a scoundrel and no good can come of my seeing him. What would Otto think of me?

Anyhow, I took the plunge and, to my great delight, he did not seem ever to have heard of me Ten minutes later the three of us were seated over glasses of lager in the beer-garden with which the bowling-alley was connected. I told them that I was from New York and that I had come to St. Louis partly on business and partly to visit a sister who lived in their neighborhood.

They had purchased a perambulator on the instalment system, and every Sunday they packed sandwiches under the apron and pushed it before them to the Common, or they turned into some beer-garden in the neighborhood of the city, where they ate their provisions and drank coffee. Often too they made their way along the coast road, and went right out into the forest.

Whether Miss Triscoe decided that this was too intimate or not she left the question. "Do you understand German?" "A little. I studied it at college, and I've cultivated a sort of beer-garden German in Chicago. I can ask for things." "I can't, except in French, and that's worse than English, in Germany, I hear." "Then you must let me be your interpreter up to the last moment. Will you?"

These solemn old-young people are quite busy doing nothing about the wharf, and appear to be afflicted with an undue sense of the responsibility of life. There is a beer-garden here, where several sober couples sit seriously drinking their beer. There are some horrid old women, with the parchment skin and the disagreeable necks.

His natural drift was toward a beer-garden, a group of frowsy followers, the reek of vile tobacco, and the smell of sour beer. One cannot but think that his beautiful wife must have been repelled by this, though with her constant nature she still loved him. In Heinrich Heine she found a spirit that seemed akin to hers. Mr.

These solemn old-young people are quite busy doing nothing about the wharf, and appear to be afflicted with an undue sense of the responsibility of life. There is a beer-garden here, where several sober couples sit seriously drinking their beer. There are some horrid old women, with the parchment skin and the disagreeable necks.

The great "Spring Song" of Mendelssohn has never been played on a flute as Kreutzer played it, in the grey light of that morning in the cheerless, bare beer-garden. When he had finished there was silence in the crowd behind him. Not a man among the applicants for the position was a real musician, but all knew, instinctively, that they had been listening to a veritable artist.

A gap in the Famine Wall, which you reach by shady winding ways, gives you a glorious and unexpected view of the Hradšany; the winding ways lead you up to the summit of the Petřin, as this height is called, where you may find an outlook tower, a church, a diorama showing a scene from the Thirty Years' War, and a beer-garden so entertainment is provided for all tastes.

Outdoors in the beer-garden Swedish punch was served, and Lasse's spirits began to rise. He tried to play at skittles he had never done so before; and he plucked up courage to utter witticisms. The others laughed, and Lasse drew himself up and came out of his shell. "Splendid people, the Copenhageners!" he whispered to Pelle.