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The one window gave only the view at the back of the house, across the fields, and their coming was indeed a surprise. The next minute she was laughing and crying together. "Oh, sister!" she said, "if here ain't our dear Mis' Trimble! an' my heart o' goodness, 't is 'Becca Wright, too! What dear good creatur's you be!

It can't be Ralph that she's settin' her cap at, 'Becca, I says, 'for Ralph's gone, and mayhap never to come to these parts again the longest day he lives." "Don't say that, Liza," interrupted Rotha in a hoarse voice. "Why not? Those redcoats are after him from Carlisle, arn't they?" "Don't say he'll not come back. We scarce know what may happen." "Well, that's what father says, anyway.

"I'm not afraid of anyone beating me," said Robert, looking down on the "lamb." Robert was crouched on his knees, because the tent was not big enough for him to stand upright in, but even in that position he could still look down on most people. "But I'm awfully hungry I wish you'd get me something to eat." "Here, 'Becca," said the hoarse Bill. "Get him some grub the best you've got, mind!"

Upon those terms of penitence, John granted pardon, but it was noticed on Sabbath that when Becca got in the way of the retiring procession to the manse, the beadle was heard in the kirkyard, "Oot o' ma road, wumman," in a tone that was full of judgment, and that Rebecca withdrew to the grass as one justly punished.

So, together, Thomas and Martha played, and sometimes a bit of discord crept in, for Thomas was absent-minded and, in the business of watching the widow's fingers touch the keys, played flat. Long years before, he had liked and admired Becca, gazed fondly at Sukey, and finally loved Belinda. In a few months Belinda married that detested being another.

"What?" said Rotha. "Why," answered Liza, with a big tear near to toppling over the corner of her eye, "why, the crack't 'un goes and gathers up all the maimed dogs in Wythburn; 'Becca Rudd's 'Dash, and that's lame on a hind leg, and Nancy Grey's 'Meg, and you know she's blind of one eye, and Grace M'Nippen's 'King Dick, and he's been broken back't this many a long year, and they all up and follow Robbie when he's nigh almost drunk, and then he's right away he goes with his cap a' one side, and all the folks laughin' the big poddish-head!"

The fig itself, he did not find as palatable as he had hoped, though it was refreshing, and served to vary the diet; but the bird struck him to be of the same kind as the celebrated reed-bird, of the Philadelphia market, which we suppose to be much the same as the becca fichi of Italy.

But, back or not back, it can't be Ralph, I says to 'Becca." "There's not a girl worthy of him, Liza; not a girl on the country side. But we'll not repeat their old wife's gossip, eh, lass?" "Not if you're minded not to, Rotha.

The golden mullet and the Becca fica are abundant; and all the articles brought to market are procurable at low prices. I can scarcely imagine a more agreeable place to spend a winter in, and I promise myself much gratification in the sojourn of a few weeks at this delightful island upon my return to England.

"Weel, I'll tell thee what I's sure on, and that is that thoo art yan o' them folks as waddant part with the reek off their kail. Ye'r nobbut an auld blatherskite, 'Becca, as preaches mair charity in a day ner ye'r ready to stand by in a twelvemonth. Come, Reuben, whip up yer dobbin. Let's away to my own house.