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Bati, the Tartar chieftain, who was encamped with his army on the banks of the Volga and the Don, died in the year 1257, and his bloody sword, the only scepter of his power, passed into the hands of his brother Berki. Alexander felt compelled to hasten to the Tartar camp, with expressions of homage to the new captain, and with rich presents to conciliate his favor.

As he slept the heavens opened and seven angels appeared sitting on clouds and making "a most pleasant noise with horns, greater and less viols, lutes and organ.... The music of this and all the other interludes was the composition of Luca Bati, a man of this art most excellent." After this celestial music another part of the heavens opened and disclosed God the Father.

Battle of Lipetsk. Defeat of Georges. His Surrender. Constantin Seizes the Scepter. Exploits of Mstislaf. Imbecility of Constantin. Death of Constantin. Georges III. Invasion of Bulgaria. Progress of the Monarchy. Right of Succession. Commerce of the Dnieper. Genghis Khan. His Rise and Conquests. Invasion of Southern Russia. Death of Genghis Khan. Succession of his Son Ougadai. March of Bati.

Preston, of the Gaboon Mission, who first noticed it, and Mr. The same tale is told of all the wild elephant-hunters in the interior, the Bati the Okana, the Yefa, and the Sensoba. Arrived at Tippet-town, I gave my "dashes," chiefly brass and copper rods, bade an affectionate farewell, and then dropped down stream without further ceremony.

«Nous quittons les bains de Loiche pour nous rapprocher du Rhône: on repasse par Inden, on ne trouve ensuite que des pierres, des rochers, des escarpemens; c'est un chemin des plus mauvais jusqu'au bourg de Loiche; c'est pour éviter ce chemin qu'on a fait celui des galleries. Le bourg de Leuck, ou Loiche, est un des principaux endroits du Vallais, bâti en pierres, dans une position fort élevée et très-forte; l'art avoit encore ajouté anciennement

Jenieve remembered all her toil for them, and her denial of her own wants that she might give to these half-savage boys, who considered nothing lost that they threw into the lake. She turned around to run to the house. But there stood Jean Bati' McClure's wife, talking through the door, and encouraging her mother to walk with coureurs-de-bois. The girl's heart broke.

Bati, now satiated with carnage, retired, with his army, to the banks of the Don. Yaroslaf, prince of Kief, and brother of Georges II., hoping that the dreadful storm had passed away, hastened to the smouldering ruins of Vladimir to take the title and the shadowy authority of Grand Prince. Never before were more conspicuously seen the energies of a noble soul.

Autolycus and his coolies had only just arrived, and Autolycus was searching vainly for a lamp a bati he called it. The floors are stone and as cold as the tomb. Mr. Blackie begged us to go back to his place for the night, but we wouldn't hear of it. Autolycus ran a lamp to earth; we explored for bedrooms and found two, in which he hastily made up beds.

The despairing inhabitants for fifteen days beat off the assailants. The city then fell; its ruin was entire. The dwellings became but the funeral pyres for the bodies of the slain. The army of Bati then continued its march to lake Seliger, the source of the Volga, within one hundred miles of the great city of Novgorod.

Russia being thus entirely devastated and at the feet of the conquerors, Bati wheeled his army around toward the south and descended into Hungary. Novgorod was almost the only important city in Russia which escaped the ravages of this terrible foe.