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Batavia has many fine buildings, particularly the Cross-church, which is handsomely built of stone, and very neatly fitted up within. There are two or three other churches for the Dutch presbyterians, and two for the Portuguese catholics, who are a mixed race, besides one church for the Malay protestants.

The Republic of Batavia The crown of Holland offered to Louis Offer and refusal of the crown of Spain Napoleon's attempt to get possession of Brabant Napoleon before and after Erfart A remarkable letter to Louis Louis summoned to Paris His honesty and courage His bold language Louis' return to Holland, and his letter to Napoleon Harsh letter from Napoleon to Louis Affray at Amsterdam Napoleon's displeasure and last letter to his brother Louis' abdication in favour of his son Union of Holland to the French Empire Protest of Louis against that measure Letter from M. Otto to Louis.

Albany exhibited the work of one of the most complete systems of free kindergartens in the country, as well as the correlation of subjects in the elementary grades; also manual training and art courses in the high school. Batavia demonstrated the system of individual instruction as carried on in its schools, which involves the employment of two teachers in each classroom.

After entering this vast meadow, the stream divides itself into two branches, becoming thus the two-horned Rhine of Virgil, and holds in these two arms the island of Batavia.

It governs the region of the groin, and reigns over Judæa, Mauritania, Catalonia, Norway, West Silesia, Upper Batavia, Barbary, Morocco, Valentia, Messina, etc. It is feminine, and unfortunate. Sagittarius is the house and joy of Jupiter. Its natives are well formed and tall, ruddy, handsome, and jovial, with fine clear eyes, chestnut hair, and oval fleshy face.

He was unsuccessful, and finally steered for Batavia. Meanwhile, a terrible scene of riot and murder was enacted. Jerome Cornelis, the supercargo, headed a mutiny, and those refusing to join his band were in part cruelly assassinated. One company however, on one of the islets, in charge of Weybehays defended themselves valiantly, finally taking Cornelis prisoner.

The nearest place was Batavia, belonging to the Dutch. He was aware of its unhealthiness, but he had no choice, and hoped that his crew would escape. Passing Timor, he came off the island of Savu, not at that time marked in the charts, but which had lately been taken possession of by the Dutch, though its native Rajah still remained its nominal ruler.

From a hilltop he pointed off to the west and said, "Yonder is the direction that my grandparents came, in the 1790's, from Stamford, cutting a road through the woods, and there, over Batavia Hill, Father rode when he went courting Mother." Then we went up the tansy-bordered road, past the little graveyard, and over to the site where his grandfather's first house stood.

I had invitations from several gentlemen and some very kindly pressed me to make their country houses my abode till my health should be reestablished. My indisposition increasing, Mr. Sparling advised me to quit Batavia as speedily as possible and represented the necessity of it to the governor-general.

Singapore and Batavia send them, in addition to sugar, quantities of rice, spices, Dutch gin, tea brought thither by Chinese junks, planks, &c. &c. Singapore sends also a ship or two annually to South Australia, Port Philip, and Van Diemen's Land. To obtain admission to good society in Sydney, when my family first arrived there, was no easy matter.