Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 14, 2024

"Why, Gerchin, you've learned to speak English like the rest," said the captain. "Yes, father make every one learn." "Well, now," continued the captain, "what about Black Sam?" "Gone to Batavia," chorused the children. "And and what's-'is-name? the man wi' the nose " A burst of laughter and, "We's all got noses here!" was the reply. "Yes, but you know who I mean the short man wi' the "

Yesterday week, a ship arrived in this port from Batavia, in which my husband's brother, Stephen Montford, came passenger. You will be terrified at these words; but calm your apprehensions. Harry does not accompany him, it is true, nor are we acquainted with his present situation. The story of their unfortunate voyage cannot be minutely related now.

The situation of European prisoners is indeed dreadful in a climate like this, where even the labor of natives is intolerable; they are compelled to bear all the drudgery, and allowed a bare sufficiency of rice and salt to eat." It is utterly impossible for Europeans who have seen these pirates at such places as Singapore and Batavia, to form any conception of their true character.

Currie, surgeon of the 78th Regiment, which was quartered in Batavia during the whole period of the British occupation, from 1811 to 1815, "need no longer be held up as the grave of Europeans, for, except in the immediate neighbourhood of salt-marshes and forests, as in the city of Batavia, and two or three other places on the north coast, it may be safely affirmed that no tropical climate is superior to it in salubrity."

He says that the Dutch, in Java, greatly interfere with his trade; as all vessels trading in the East are bound to touch at Batavia, on their way to Europe, and consequently very few of them visit the Peninsula, as to do so would greatly lengthen their voyage to Batavia.

The chief towns of this district Tjandjoer, Bandong, and Garoet are all connected with Batavia by the same line of railway. Of these, Tjandjoer is the residence of the native prince, the Regent of Tjandjoer, who is the chief patron of horse-racing in Java.

The morning broke the sun rose in splendour, and the Batavia steered into the roads. Before noon she was at anchor, and Philip, with his mind relieved, hastened down to his cabin, and took that repose which he so much required. He awoke refreshed, for a great weight had been taken off his mind.

Who are those?" asked the Captain, seeing the glance he cast at the dead man and the two ladies. "Little did I expect to see them thus," he answered. "They were my friends, from whom I have often when at Batavia received great attention.

The printing is now going on in six and the translation into six more. The translation is nearly carried on to the end of John in Chinese, Telinga Kurnata, and the language of the Seeks. It is carried on to a pretty large extent in Persian and begun in Burman. The whole Bible was printed in Malay at Batavia some years ago.

So, while his inamorata was cruelly imprisoned in the palace of her sire at Batavia, young Tasman, instead of wasting time in regrets, set forth on a voyage of adventure, seeking to win by prowess what gallantry had failed to effect. On his first voyage he so far circumnavigated the island as to be convinced of its insular character, but really saw little of the land.

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