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And then, just as his chances of success seemed faintest, the whole scroll suddenly unrolled itself before him. A chance inquiry of Mr. Otto Bartels provoked an answer of gutturals not especially euphonious in themselves, but which fell with vast and soothing solace on Smith's troubled sense. "Sure do I know him," said Mr. Bartels.

'This is "meiner Freund," Herr Carruthers. Carruthers, this is my friend, Schiffer Bartels, of the galliot Johannes. Was I never to be at an end of the puzzles which Davies presented to me?

When the rent is confined to the anterior wall of the bladder the urine escapes into the pelvic tissues, and the prognosis is much more favorable. Bartels collected 54 such cases, 12 terminating favorably. When celiotomy is performed for ruptured bladder, in a manner suggested by the elder Gross, the mortality is much less.

Bartels in particular had felt the altered fortunes of the company more keenly than they had felt any business crisis in all their previous experience. When Mr. Cuyler had witnessed his local business, his pride and his life, the fixed star of his professional soul, begin slipping away, his gloom, as has been told, was not to be lifted. But the case of Mr. Bartels was even more sad.

See the previous volume of these Studies, "Sexual Selection in Man," p. 161. See, e.g., Ploss and Bartels, Das Weib, vol. i, beginning of chapter VI. Hyrtl states that the name labia was first used by Haller in the middle of the eighteenth century in his Elements of Physiology, being adopted by him from the Greek poet Erotion, who gave these structures the very obvious name cheilea, lips.

'What did he mean? I asked. 'I'll tell you, said Davies, 'I'll tell you the whole thing. As far as you're concerned it's partly a confession. Last night I had made up my mind to say nothing, but when Bartels turned up I knew it must all come out. It's been fearfully on my mind, and perhaps you'll be able to help me. But it's for you to decide. 'Fire away! I said.

And when, twenty years from the time the Guardian saw him first, Otto Bartels found himself authorized to write Secretary after his flowing signature, it was an appointment inevitable.

The only thing I could have sworn to from the first was that he had purposely left me in the lurch that day. I pieced out the rest in the next few days, which I'll just finish with as shortly as I can. Bartels came aboard next morning, and though it was blowing hard still we managed to shift the Dulcibella to a place where she dried safely at the mid-day low water, and we could get at her rudder.

Of course, if the wind fell, it was all easy enough; but if it held or increased it was a poor look-out. There's a limit to strain of that sort and other things might have happened. 'In fact, it was precious lucky that Bartels turned up. His galliot was at anchor a mile away, up a branch of the channel.

Davies held long consultations with Bartels, who was thoroughly at home in the navigation of the sands we were bound for, his own boat being a type of the very craft which ply in them. I shall not forget the moment when it first dawned on him that his young friend's curiosity was practical; for he had thought that our goal was his own beloved Hamburg, queen of cities, a place to see and die.