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The Barringtons' rooms at the Miyako Hotel soon became like an annex to the show-rooms in Messrs. Yamanaka's store. Brocades and kimonos were draped over chairs and bedsteads. Lanterns hung from the roof; and in a corner of the room stood an enormous bowl-shaped bell as big as a bath, resting on a tripod of red lacquer.

The East was drawing the Barringtons towards its perilous coasts. Laking's position at the Tokyo Embassy had been taken by Reggie Forsyth, one of Geoffrey's oldest friends, his best man at his wedding and a light of Lady Everington's circle. However, when the Barringtons did at last tear themselves from the Riviera, they announced rather disingenuously that they were going to Egypt.

The hand was insistent, and he held it for a moment lightly, and then let it go. "Well, I don't know," he said doubtfully. "The Barringtons have been very hospitable to me." "Rubbish!" the Marchioness answered. "You have done quite enough for them already. Of course, you are a man and you must choose. I am sure that you understand me." He rose to his feet. "I must think this out," he said.

What he observes or overhears, he exchanges with another boy san; and the hall porter or the head waiter generally serves as Chief Intelligence Bureau, and is always in touch with the Police. The arrival of guests so remarkable as the Barringtons became, therefore, at once a focus for the curiosity the ambition of the boy sans.

"I asked," explained Bill, "because I was wondering what I should say to to Betty. Miss Calladine. You see, she's bound to ask." "Perhaps you won't see her again for a long, long time," said Antony sadly. "As a matter of fact, I happen to know that she will be at the Barringtons. And I go up there to-morrow." "Well, you had better tell her. You're obviously longing to.

He had been thrown, too, among the leaders and heroes of his band; many not absolutely low in birth, nor debased in habit. He had associated with the Barringtons of the day, gentlemen who were admired at Ranelagh, and made speeches worthy of Cicero, when they were summoned to trial.

He acted as their cicerone or "siseroan," as he pronounced it, to temple treasuries and old palace gardens, to curio-shops and to little native eating-houses. The Barringtons submitted, not because they liked Tanaka, but because they were good-natured, and rather lost in this new country. Besides, Tanaka clung like a leech and was useful in many ways.

He obeyed, and affected to be absorbed in the contemplation of the rings on the hand which a great artist had called the most beautiful in England. She withdrew it a little peevishly, after a moment's pause. "I want to talk about the Barringtons," she said. "Do you know that they are practically ruined?"

She had inherited the Courthorne comeliness, and the Barringtons she sprang from on her father's side had always borne the stamp of distinction. A young girl sat at the piano singing in a thin reedy voice, while an English lad waited with the ill-concealed jealousy of a too officious companion to turn over the music by her side.

He was a shy gentle youth, very quiet and refined, a little effeminate, even, in his exaggerated gracefulness and in his meticulous care for his clothes and his person. He avoided all company except that of the Barringtons, probably because a similarity in circumstances formed a bond between him and his country-woman.