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"It is of an insipidity to make one sick." "And what absence of grace, gallantry, and the belle flamme!" said Scudery, coldly. "Ah, how different from our immortal D'Urfe!" said Baro, the continuator. "Where is the 'Ariane, where the 'Astrea?" cried, with a groan, Godeau, the annotator.

Behold, I place it once more on the covantza, and recommence hammering; and now I am somewhat at fault; I am in want of assistance; I want you, brother, or some one else, to take the bar out of my hand and support it upon the covantza, whilst I, applying a chinomescro, or kind of chisel, to the heated iron, cut off with a lusty stroke or two of the shukaro baro, or big hammer, as much as is required for the petul.

I shod the little horse bravely merely pricked him once, slightly, with a cafi, for doing which, I remember, he kicked me down; I was not disconcerted, however, but, getting up, promised to be more cautious in future; and having finished the operation, I filed the hoof well with the rin baro, then dismissed him to graze amongst the trees, and, putting my smaller tools into the muchtar, I sat down on my stone, and, supporting my arm upon my knee, leaned my head upon my hand.

Behold, I place it once more on the covantza, and recommence hammering; and now I am somewhat at fault; I am in want of assistance; I want you, brother, or some one else, to take the bar out of my hand and support it upon the covantza, whilst I, applying a chinomescro, or kind of chisel, to the heated iron, cut off with a lusty stroke or two of the shukaro baro, or big hammer, as much as is required for the petul.

Baro received the name 'Bamisse, so that of the consecration of the church was called the 'Church-mass, or 'Kerk-mis. In ancient times, if a church was consecrated on the name-day of a certain saint the church was also dedicated to that saint.

They spoke to each other with great volubility and animation a language incomprehensible to any one who should suddenly have come among them without being initiated, eagerly pressing each other's hands with affectionate compliments and infinite allusions to their works. "Ah, here you are, illustrious Baro!" cried the newcomer. "I have read your last sixain.

You spell out the upright Gothic letters around the cornice of the tomb, and you read, in mediaeval Latin, "Orate pro Anima Friedmundis Equitis Baronis Adlersteini. A. D. mccccxciii" Then turn to the other side and read "Hic jacet Eberardus Eques Baro Adlersteini. A.D. mdxliii. Demum" Yes, the guide is right. They are brothers, with well-nigh a lifetime between their deaths.

Thus, among the latter, he profoundly saluted MM. d'Aubijoux, de Brion, de Montmort, and other very brilliant gentlemen, who were there as judges; tenderly, and with an air of esteem, pressed the hands of MM. Monteruel, de Sirmond, de Malleville, Baro, Gombauld, and other learned men, almost all called great men in the annals of the Academy of which they were the founders itself called sometimes the Academic des Beaux Esprits, but really the Academic Francaise.

I shod the little horse bravely merely pricked him once, slightly, with a cafi, for doing which, I remember, he kicked me down; I was not disconcerted, however, but, getting up, promised to be more cautious in future; and having finished the operation, I filed the hoof well with the rin baro; then dismissed him to graze amongst the trees, and, putting my smaller tools into the muchtar, I sat down on my stone, and, supporting my arm upon my knee, leaned my head upon my hand.

Art thou still wandering through the courts of beautiful Safacoro, or on the banks of the Len Baro, thine eyes fixed in vacancy, and thy mind striving to recall some half-forgotten couplet of Luis Lobo; or art thou gone to thy long rest, out beyond the Xeres gate within the wall of the Campo Santo, to which in times of pest and sickness thou wast wont to carry so many, Gypsy and Gentile, in thy cart of the tinkling bell?