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So I mean to have all of it I can get." She darted away from him and ran back to the miniatures. A richly ornamented sword hung on the wall just above them. This caught her notice; she took it down and unsheathed it. "Henricus Baro Tristram de Blent," she spelt out from the enamelled steel. "Per Ensem Justitia. What does that mean? No, I know. Rather a good motto, cousin Harry.

"Hokkeny baro." "A great swindle, my wise sir. Hai, what a pity you cannot patter the gentle Romany tongue. Kek! Kek! What does it matter, when you speak Gentile gibberish like an angel. Sit, rye, and I dance for you." "Quite like Carmen and Don José in the opera," murmured Lambert, sliding down to the foot of the rude stone. "What of her and of him? Were they Romans?"

They spoke to each other with great volubility and animation a language incomprehensible to any one who should suddenly have come among them without being initiated, eagerly pressing each other's hands with affectionate compliments and infinite allusions to their works. "Ah, here you are, illustrious Baro!" cried the newcomer. "I have read your last sixain.

Hallam says: "The word baro, originally meaning only a man, was of very large significance, and is not unfrequently applied to common freeholders, as in the phrase court-baron." 3 Middle Ages, 14-15.

Pilferin' and Bilberin'. Khapana and Hopper. Hoppera-glasses. The little wooden Bear. Huckeny Ponkee, Hanky Panky, Hocus-pocus, and Hokkeny Baro. Burning a Gipsy Witch alive in America. Daniel in the Lions' Den. Gipsy Life in Summer. The Gavengroes. The Gipsy's Story of Pitch- and-Toss. "You didn't fight your Stockings off?" The guileless and venerable Gipsy.

Behold, I place it once more on the covantza, and recommence hammering; and now I am somewhat at fault; I am in want of assistance; I want you, brother, or some one else, to take the bar out of my hand and support it upon the covantza, whilst I, applying a chinomescro, or kind of chisel, to the heated iron, cut off with a lusty stroke or two of the shukara baro, or big hammer, as much as is required for the petul.