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He saw instead Father Forbes, in the white and purple vestments, standing by poor MacEvoy's bedside, with his pale, chiselled, luminous, uplifted face, and he heard only the proud, confident clanging of the girl's recital, BEATUM MICHAELEM ARCHANGELUM, BEATUM JOANNEM BAPTISTAM, PETRUM ET PAULUM EM! AM! UM! like strokes on a great resonant alarm-bell, attuned for the hearing of heaven.

"At uxor mea imaginabatur assidue se videre calvariam patris, qui erat absens dum utero gereret Jo: Baptistam." Paralipomenon, lib. iii. c. 21. De Utilitate, p. 832. "Post ex geminatis somniis, scripsi libros de Subtilitate quos impressos auxi et denuo superauctos tertio excudi curavi." De Vita Propria, ch. xlv. p. 175.

"Venio domum, accurrit famulus admodum tristis, nunciat Johannem Baptistam duxisse uxorem Brandoniam Seronam." De Vita Propria, ch. xli. p. 147. Cardan in describing this action of Gian Battista, who was then determined to murder his wife, says of him: "Erat enim natura clemens admodum et gratus." De Utilitate, p. 834.

It must have been the girl's Latin chant, with its clanging reiteration of the great names BEATUM MICHAELEM ARCHANGELUM, BEATUM JOANNEM BAPTISTAM, SANCTOS APOSTOLOS PETRUM ET PAULUM invoked with such proud confidence in this squalid little shanty, which so strangely affected him.