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Maybe some of us might learn a bit from him." Taking a great bandana from his pocket, he blew his nose like the report of a pistol. "A'ter all," he said, with touching solemnity, "he died for his country, did my Robin same as Abercromby at Alexandrya." Behind them on the hill a clock struck eight. The riding-officer held up his hand. "Ark!" he cried.

Accordingly, when the dinner was upon the table, she laid aside her broad check apron, substituting in its place a half-worn silk, for Jerry had reported the invalid to be "every inch a lady;" then smoothing her soft, silvery hair with her fat, rosy hands, she repaired to the sitting-room, where she found the driver watching his charge, from whom he kept the buzzing flies by means of his bandana, which he waved to and fro with untiring patience.

"The corn is fine, John, isn't it?" he asked of a gray-haired man who sat at one corner of the rough table, mopping his forehead with a large bandana handkerchief, not too clean. John put the handkerchief back into his pocket and fell upon the meal Seth set before him. "It's fine enough," said he, "it'll be the finest crop ever raised in these here parts if the hot winds don't come."

It was not merely as though I had been in court, and were now recalling the inflections of that deep, intimidating voice, the steadfast gaze of those dark, intimidating eyes, and were remembering just at what points the snuff-box was produced, and just how long the pause was before the pinch was taken and the bandana came into play.

Nothing could be more pure, more beautiful, than the contour of her arms and shoulders, to which little dimples gave a charm the more. A profound sigh attracted the attention of Cecily. She smiled, while roiling around one of her ivory fingers some stray curls which escaped from the folds of the bandana. "Cecily! Cecily!" murmured a voice, at once harsh and plaintive.

This person we presently recognised as one of the chiefs who had accompanied Matadi alongside earlier in the day; and he brought a message to the effect that the king had ascertained that the white men about whom we had inquired were all safe in a village a day's march distant, and that Matadi would send for them on the morrow, unless we were prepared to make him a present of a musket, five strings of beads, a bandana handkerchief, and a roll of printed calico, in which case he would so far discommode himself as to send off a messenger at once.

Scogan had been accommodated in a little canvas hut. Dressed in a black skirt and a red bodice, with a yellow-and-red bandana handkerchief tied round his black wig, he looked sharp-nosed, brown, and wrinkled like the Bohemian Hag of Frith's Derby Day. A placard pinned to the curtain of the doorway announced the presence within the tent of "Sesostris, the Sorceress of Ecbatana."

When the heat was greatest and the spiritual gloom thickest the American threw out the sand-bags, as it were, and hope mounted again. "Say, MacGregor," he said, "run up the American flag. There's luck in the old bandana." This being done, he added: "Bring along the cigars; we'll have out U. S. and Bob Lee in the saloon." Our Coliseum was again open to the public at two shillings a head.

Jogglebury, taking off his great woolly hat, and giving his lank, dark hair, streaked with grey, a sweep round his low forehead with the bandana. 'Oh! 'Indeed! replied Mr. Sponge. Jogglebury, still eyeing the knob.

She know'd 'twasn't only a joke." Mr. Van Boozenberg drew out a large red bandana handkerchief, and blew his nose as if it had been a trumpet sounding a charge. Messrs. Newt & Son smiled sympathetically. The junior partner observed, cheerfully, "Yes, Sir." The millionaire stared at the young man. "Ma's going to Saratogy," remarked Mr. Van Boozenberg. "She said she wanted to go.