United States or Haiti ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His eyes were grey and glittered brightly and keenly behind his gold-rimmed spectacles. These he never removed, except for a moment of polishing on a large silk bandana handkerchief. He smoked comparatively little, but was a perpetual snuff- taker. Nothing was more amusing than to hear him discourse on snuff- taking and describe his adventures with snuff merchants.

When the heat was greatest and the spiritual gloom thickest the American threw out the sand-bags, as it were, and hope mounted again. "Say, MacGregor," he said, "run up the American flag. There's luck in the old bandana." This being done, he added: "Bring along the cigars; we'll have out U. S. and Bob Lee in the saloon." Our Coliseum was again open to the public at two shillings a head.

Cautiously the more daring ones responded, and soon the whole population was gathered around the visitors. Curious to see what the strangers were showing the dato, Piang slipped quietly up behind and caught sight of the most beautiful colored cloth he had ever seen. "Bandana," the pale man called it. Piang longed to possess it for his mother; how she would love to wear it for her gala head-dress!

The distance from Tuckahoe to Wye river where my old master lived was full twelve miles, and the walk was quite a severe test of the endurance of my young legs. My grandmother, though advanced in years as was evident from more than one gray hair, which peeped from between the ample and graceful folds of her newly-ironed bandana turban was yet a woman of power and spirit.

On entering the first-floor rooms, the magistrates, the gendarmes, and Bibi-Lupin found the widow Pigeau strangled in her bed and the woman strangled in hers, each by means of the bandana she wore as a nightcap. The three thousand francs were gone, with the silver-plate and the trinkets. The two bodies were decomposing, as were those of the little dog and of a large yard-dog.

Jed Parker straightened his back, rolled up the bandana handkerchief, and thrust it into his pocket, hit flat with his hand the touselled mass of his hair, and thrust the long hunting knife into its sheath. "You're the man I want," said he. Instantly the two-gun man had jerked loose his weapons and was covering the foreman. "Am I!" he snarled. "Not jest that way," explained Parker.

It was followed a moment later by a stream of small stuff, mingled with language projected through an open port-hole. This in turn ceased. The captain reappeared with a pail and brush, scrubbed feverishly at the offending spot, mopped it dry with that same old red bandana handkerchief, glared about him, and abruptly became as serene and placid as a noon calm.

Sometimes the mistress of a good looking negress takes great pleasure in decking her immediate attendant in grand style, with big gold finger rings, large hoop earrings, wide gold necklace, and the like. A bright calico gown and a flaring bandana kerchief bound about the head generally complete the costume of these petted slaves.

He squirmed hard; and my feelin's for him are such that I can't bear to see him squirm voyalently, as much as I blamed him and the United States, and as mad as I was at both on 'em. So I went to cryin' agin silently under my linen handkerchief, and he cried into his bandana. It wus a awful blow to both on us. Wall, she lived, Cicely did, which was more than we any one of us thought she could do.

When Bob stepped ashore his mother clasped him to her arms and wept over him and fondled him, and he, taller by an inch than when he left her, bronzed and weather-beaten and ragged, drew her close to him and hugged her again and again, and stroked her hair, and cried too, while Richard and Douglas stood by, blowing their noses on their red bandana handkerchiefs and trying to took very self-composed.