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True, he countenanced Polish proclamations, which spoke grandiloquently of national liberty; but proclamations he ever viewed as the ballons d'essai of politics. He also warned Murat not to promise the Poles too much: "My greatness does not depend on the aid of a few thousand Poles.

But soft! what has all this to do with the Industrial Exhibition? Rien, absolument rien. Give us these things anywhere, give us lights and gardens and music, give us dances and damsels, give us Congo encampments and "ballons dirigeables," and thither will we troop to make us merry. Ah! but the incurable conscientiousness of the human race insists on pills with its jam.

The changes of the Devonian epoch are traced by Élie de Beaumont to a system of upheavals called the Ballons of the Vosges and of Normandy, so called from the rounded, balloon-like domes characteristic of the mountains of that time.

"The artillery uses them." "How?" "I don’t know. The balloon and flying service use ’em, too. I’ve seen officers send them up. Probably it is to find out about upper air currents." "Our flying service?" "Yes, ma’am." "Ballons d’essai," she nodded carelessly. But she was not yet entirely convinced regarding the theory she was pondering.

To this end he threw up a few tiny ballons d'essai experiments in the manner of some of his popular contemporaries, and printed them in the columns of the Edinburgh Annual Register. One of these was a grim story of village crime called The Poacher, and written in avowed imitation of Crabbe.

At last, after endless enquiries and it seemed going back five steps for every three I had gone forward, I reached the toy department. Breathless, bedraggled, hot and exhausted, I clutched the arm of the first saleswoman I saw. "Des ballons, Madame," I gasped. She looked at me with contempt, "Les ballons, ca ne se vend pas, ca se donne."

True, he countenanced Polish proclamations, which spoke grandiloquently of national liberty; but proclamations he ever viewed as the ballons d'essai of politics. He also warned Murat not to promise the Poles too much: "My greatness does not depend on the aid of a few thousand Poles.

For a moment I was awed by the aristocratic magnificence of balloons. How superb, how reckless! Very humbly I appealed to her, "Pouvez-vous, voulez-vous me donner un ballon?" "Les ballons, ca ne se donne pas apres cinq heures," she said. I didn't press her. How could I? By how many thousands of years of tradition might not the habits of balloons have been fixed?

And indeed an observant traveller will be led to think that a great deal of what may most truly be called civilisation has found its way in among the Ballons, whether it travelled thither by the new- fangled railways and imperial routes, or found its passage along the valley streams before imperial favours had been showered upon the district.

As it became steeper and more stony the trees became thinner, and against the eastern sky could be seen, dark and threatening, the turrets of a castle above a steep, smooth-looking, grassy slope, one of the hills, in fact, called from their shape by the French, ballons. Just then Jean's horse, weary and unused to mountaineering, stumbled.