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There was nothing left for him, Long Jim, to do, but to take his dish and turn fossicker; or even to aim no higher than washing over the tailings rejected by the fossicker. At the thought his tears flowed anew. He cursed the day on which he had first set foot on Ballarat. "It's 'ell for white men 'ell, that's what it is!" "'Ere, 'ave another drink, matey, and fergit yer bloody troubles."

Putting his hat aside he sat down, and having introduced himself, made reference to Ballarat and his acquaintance with the lawyer's father: "Who directed me to you, sir, for advice on a vexatious affair, in which I have had the misfortune to become involved." With a "Pray be seated!" Ocock rose and cleared a chair for Purdy. Resuming his seat he joined his hands, and wound them in and out.

Sam's mate had intended it for a girl down at Ballarat, and she eventually got it an emblem of what might have been. Dozens of fancy slugs were brought to light, in addition to two hundred ounces of fine gold against which no one could make good claim. Another tin held six rings, two of decidedly suspicious metal, the others genuine and with good stones.

Were I not an Englishman I would be an American, to use the words of Alexander, altered to suit the occasion." "May I ask if you belong here in Ballarat?" I demanded, with the intention of finding out what his business and prospects were.

In Melbourne, at six o'clock one January morning, the Honourable John, about to enter a saloon-compartment of the Ballarat train, paused, with one foot on the step, and disregarding the polite remarks of the station-master at his heels, screwed up his prominent black eyes against the sun.

I never encountered him but once, and then he slipped through my fingers; and whether the fellow concluded that we pressed him too hard, or thought that better opportunities for stealing existed near the forest, I can't say; but, at any rate, I never heard of his being nearer Ballarat than twenty-five miles after we met." "If not too much trouble, please relate an account of it," I said.

"Now, then, I feel like a man vot has found a nugget perfectly happy for the time being, but miserable as soon as the excitement has passed away, 'cos he don't know when he shall get another." "When did you reach Ballarat?" Fred asked, as soon as Steel Spring was inclined to hold his tongue. "This evening. I've been on the road two days, but feel as fresh as a newly-hatched parrot."

Riot at Ballarat.# A digger named Scobie, late one evening, knocked at the door of Bentley's Hotel, at Ballarat. Finding the place closed for the night, he tried to force an entrance, and continued his clamour so long that Bentley became angry, and sallied forth to chastise him. A crowd gathered to see the fight, and, in the darkness, Scobie's head was split open with a spade.

I know them both, and will pledge my word that they have stolen more gold dust than any other two parties in Australia." "And I will pledge my word that I can't begin to prig with the head of the police force in Ballarat," cried Murden, who could remain silent no longer. Mr.

The inspector left us for his quarters, and the rest of us retired for the night, with the intention of rising early and riding out to meet Smith, who could not be more than ten miles distant, according to Murden's report. We were on horseback about sunrise, and rode slowly out of Ballarat, leaving Steel Spring to look after the store and its effects.