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'I understand, he said, in a taunting tone; 'you want it for your lover. 'My lover? What do you mean? 'What I say, he retorted boldly, 'all Ballarat knows the position that young Frenchman holds in the Pactolus claim. Mrs Villiers felt herself grow faint the accusation was so horrible.

"If you will really honor us with your presence at breakfast you shall he convinced of the fact," Fred answered, politely. "Say no more; I'd stop if all Ballarat was at loggerheads." We were soon seated upon such articles as were handy, and after the first cravings of our appetites were satisfied, we renewed the subject of mining.

He, however, was not a man who wore his heart on his sleeve, and did not show much outward grief, though, no doubt, he sorrowed deeply enough for the loss of the pretty girl for whom he had sacrificed so much. At all events, he made up his mind at once what to do: so, placing his child under the care of an old lady, he went to Ballarat, and set to work to make his fortune.

"May I say, doctor, how wise I think your decision to come over to us?" He spoke as if Ballarat East were in the heart of the Russian steppes. "And that reminds me. There's a friend of mine.... I may be able at once to put a patient in your way." Mahony walked home in a mood of depression which it took all Polly's arts to dispel.

Law and order were kept on the goldfields of Mount Alexander, Bendigo, and Ballarat by means of a strong body of police, and the high licence fees for claims paid for their services, so that nothing like the scenes recorded of the Californian diggings could be permitted. But for the time ordinary industries were paralysed.

During the gold fever of 1851, and before there was a line from Geelong, as much as £70 per ton was paid for carriage from that town. The distance is about 60 miles, and the transit occupied ten days for heavy goods. "Until last year," said my friend, "there was a man walking the streets of Ballarat who was known by no other name than Jimmy.

'You may enquire, returned the lawyer, with a foolish laugh; 'but I was invited not to tell you till the thing was done. 'My uncle, no doubt, was the barrister's conclusion. 'My name is John Dickson, continued Michael; 'a pretty well-known name in Ballarat; and my friend here is Mr Ezra Thomas, of the United States of America, a wealthy manufacturer of india-rubber overshoes.

A stock must be laid in, sufficient to last nearly all winter, for during the wet season the roads are next to impassable, and provisions go up like a rocket, only they forget to fall until good weather begins, and freighting gets brisk." "But what articles are best for the market of Ballarat?" I inquired, beginning to grow interested in the inspector's scheme, in spite of myself.

The latter was to attend to the freighting and buying in Melbourne, while we would do the trading and selling at Ballarat. We agreed to put in three thousand dollars each, and we were to value Smith's team and animals, and allow a fair price for them, and then he was to make up with cash enough to bring his capital equal to ours.

Wherever one goes, these testimonials to the Army's efficiency are forthcoming . . . . This morning we had one of those whizzing green Ballarat flies in the room, with his stunning buzz-saw noise the swiftest creature in the world except the lightning-flash. It is a stupendous force that is stored up in that little body.