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On one occasion of this kind, indeed, one of our number, an impetuous stammerer, was so possessed by his emotion that he shouted at me: "I'll b-b-bet you t-two d-d-dollars they d-drop him b-b-before he g-gets to that d-d-ditch!" I did not accept the brutal wager; I thought they would.

"You poor ragged f-f-fellow, come down here from D-D-Danbury, I'm sorry for you," said Darrow tantalizingly. "You would not pay if you lost," Barnum remarked. Now b-b-bet if you dare, you ragged c-c-creature, you." Barnum put five dollars in Captain Hinman's hands, and told him to treat the company from it if he lost the bet.

"B-b-bet you it's Steve c-c-coming back!" ventured Toby, and he voiced what was in the mind of Max just then. "There's two on 'em!" declared Shack Beggs joining in with the talk; "yuh c'n see 'em over there aheadin' this way!" Max was glad that he had not thought to return the little weapon entrusted to his care by Mrs. Jacobus.

But long before either Toby or Owen had finished eating, Steve hurried over to the pile, and squatting down, tailor fashion, began opening mussels. Just as the rest began to leave the vicinity of the fire they heard him give a shout. "Say, looky there at Steve he's dancing around like a wild Injun!" cried Bandy-legs. "B-b-bet you he's f-f-found a jim-dandy p-p-pearl," spluttered Toby.

"You b-b-bet," Mr. Dreux stuttered. After a painful effort to control himself he inquired, with rolling eyes, "S-say, Norvin, will there be any fighting any d-d-danger?" Blake's own imagination had already presented that aspect of the matter all too vividly. "Yes, there may be danger," he confessed. "We may have to take the boy by force."

"We'll stand by you, Max," replied Bandy-legs, quickly. "You b-b-bet we will," added Toby, aggressively doubling up his fists. "To the limit!" echoed Steve, stooping down to secure a stout stick his roving eye chanced to alight upon, and which appealed to his fighting instincts as just the thing for an emergency like this.

"Why, you see, Max," began Steve in his usual impetuous way, "Toby here thought he saw a hungry cat sizing us up, being in want of a dinner; and so we got ready to give him a warm reception." "Y-y-you b-b-bet we did!" exclaimed the party in question, shaking his hatchet ferociously. The boy called Max turned and looked toward his cousin Owen, and there were signs of amusement in his manner.

"B-b-bet you it's a w-w-woppin' b-b-big fish!" ejaculated Toby. "Keep on running!" snapped Max. "He needs help, and in a hurry, too!" This sort of talk amazed both the others. So far as they could see Steve stood there quite alone.

"Remember," said Darrow, "I b-b-bet you hadn't got a whole shirt on your bob-back!" "All right," said Barnum, taking off his coat and commencing to unbutton his vest. The whole company, feeling sure that he was caught, began to laugh heartily.