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Much information on the manners, habits, &c. of the inhabitants of Brittany, a part of France not much visited by travellers; besides local and historical descriptions. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhine. 1819. By J. Hughes. 8vo. A useful book, and some parts of it very interesting. Voyage Littéraire de la France. Par Deux Bénédictins.

The Monastery of La Trappe is one of the most ancient Abbeys of the order of Benedictins: it was established under the pontificate of Innocent the Second, during the reign of Louis VII. in the year 1140, by Rotrou, the second Count of Perche, and is said to have been built to accomplish a vow, made in the peril of shipwreck.

To adjust all these discrepancies respecting the time of his birth, and others of the time of his death, one needs the ingenuity of the Benedictins of St. Maur, who published a 4to volume with this title: "L'art de verifier les dates des faits historiques." CHARLES MORDAUNT, Earl of Peterborough. This great man died on his passage to Lisbon, 25th of October, 1735, aged 77.

I couldn't at all gloriously recall, for instance, as I floated to Subiaco on vast brave wings, how on the occasion of my first visit to Rome, thirty-eight years before, I had devoted certain evenings, evenings of artless "preparation" in my room at the inn, to the perusal of Alphonse Dantier's admirable <i>Monasteres Benedictins d'ltalie</i>, taking piously for granted that I should get myself somehow conveyed to Monte Cassino and to Subiaco at least: such an affront to the passion of curiosity, the generally infatuated state then kindled, would any suspicion of my foredoomed, my all but interminable, privation during visits to come have seemed to me.