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Fr'm that he growed till he bate near ivry man he knew, an' become very pop'lar, so that he was sint to th' council. Now Dochney was an honest an' sober man whin he wint in; but wan day a man come up to him, an' says he, 'Ye know that ordhnance Schwartz inthrajooced? 'I do, says Dochney, 'an I'm again it. 'Tis a swindle, he says.

They come round me an' shuk me, an' I tould thim I was in privit employ wid an income av me own, an' a drrrawin'-room fit to bate the Quane's; an' wid me lies an' me shtories an' nonsinse gin'rally, I kept 'em quiet in wan way an' another, knockin' roun' the camp. Twas bad even thin whin I was the Angil av Peace.

Fast as he went, he was just in time to see Fred swimming through the foaming waters toward the land. "Give me yer hand!" called out the delighted youngster; "there isn't any body in the wide wurruld that could bate that onless it is mesilf, and I couldn't do it."

And, what waa betther, I bate down Pether M'Entee three-ha'pence a-pound afther I bought them." "Ha! ha! ha! by my sannies, Nancy, as to market-making, they may all throw their caps at you, you thief o' the world; you can do them nately!" "Ha! ha! ha! Stop, Ned; don't drink that water it's not from the garden-well.

"Well," began Rand on the evening of the day on which the challenge had been received from the Highpoint Patrol, "what shall we do with this challenge?" "Accept it, av coorse," cried Gerald. "Shure, they can't bate us more thin foor miles." "But we only row three," put in Jack. "Thin it's a safe bet," went on Gerald, "Aven Don might bet on that." "What's that?" asked Donald.

Bate made him a still more coveted present a microscope, with which he could examine several minute animals, too small to be looked at by the naked eye. As Edward went on, his knowledge increased rapidly, and his discoveries fully kept pace with it.

Inevitably in some of them would burst a flame of passion as it had in Kells. Between this amiable contest for Joan's glances and replies, with its possibility of latent good to her, and the dark, lurking, unspoken meaning, such as lay in Gulden's brooding, Joan found another new and sickening torture. "Say, Frenchy, you're no lady's man," declared Red Pearce, "an' you, Bate, you're too old.

But, I take the only ground that can be taken with men like you, and ask what money will buy you off. Remember the danger to which you are exposed. You see I know enough to know much more with very little help. Bate some expected gain for the risk you save, and say what is your price. Old Arthur Gride moved his lips, but they only formed an ugly smile and were motionless again.

When Mike found himself in danger of being overpowered, he appealed to his companion for assistance, and was incensed to see him coolly disregarding the appeal, and selfishly appropriating the booty. "The mane thafe!" he exclaimed after the fight was over, and he was compelled to retreat. "He let me be bate, and wouldn't lift his finger to help me. I'd like to put a head on him, I would."

Teach her the most that can be taught her in the shortest separation that can be named, state the figure for it, and I am game to put the money down. I won't bate you a single farthing, sir, but I'll put down the money here and now, and I'll thankfully throw you in a pound to take it. There!" The gentleman smiled, and then, "Well, well," says he, "I must first know what she has learned already.