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Presently Joan discovered that, despite the excitement, her effect upon them was more marked then ever, and by a difference that she was quick to feel. But she could not tell what this difference was how their attitude had changed. Then she set herself the task of being useful. First she helped Bate Wood. He was roughly kind.

Granbury's brigade was still lying behind the fence, close to the pike, and after passing Bate, Ruger had to run the gantlet of Granbury's line.

"Jim, did you meet Gulden?" queried Kells, eagerly. "Can't find him anywhere," replied Cleve. "I've loafed in the saloons and gambling-hells where he hangs out. But he didn't show up. He's in camp. I know that for a fact. He's laying low for some reason." "Gulden's been tipped off, Jim," said Kells, earnestly. "He told Bate Wood you were out to kill him." "I'm glad.

"Well, no matter, acushla, do you only back me; just show me how I ought to go on wid them, for nobody can outdo you at such things, an' I'll engage we'll thrive yit, always wid a blessin' an us." "Why, to tell God's thruth, I'd bate the devil himself at plannin' out, an' bringin' a thing to a conclusion eh, you deludher?"

"Bravo, boys success, masther; lie into him where's your huntin' horn, Mr. Kavanagh? he'll bate yez if ye don't take the wind of him. Well done, Callaghan, keep up yer heart, yer sowl, and you'll do it asy you're gaining' on them, ma bouchal the masther's down, you gallows clip, an' there's none but the scholars afther ye he's safe."

I assure ye ye haven't. I've seen Rand-Brown with the gloves on. That was last term. He's not put them on since Moriarty bate him in the middles, so he may be out of practice. But even then he'd be a bad man to tackle. He's big an' he's strong, an' if he'd only had the heart in him he'd have been going up to Aldershot instead of Moriarty. That's what he'd be doing. An' you can't box at all.

"And what for no, Andy? why the de'il war pockets made, gin they wanna to be filled? but how hae ye Irishers three answers for our ane?" "Why, first with our tongue; and even with that we bate ye flog you hollow. You Scotchmen take so much time in givin' an answer that an Irishman could say his pattherin aves before you spake.

"Lord, it's good to see you! I never expected to again.... But you can tell me all about yourself after you rest.... I was just having breakfast. I'll fetch you some." "Were you alone here?" asked Joan. "Yes. I was with Bate and Handy " "Hey, Kells!" roared the gang, from the outer room. Kells held aside the blanket curtain so that Joan was able to see through the door.

He appeared kinder than usual, but Joan did not want to talk. She ate her meals, and passed the hours watching from the window and lying on the bed. Dusk brought Kells and Pearce and Smith, but not Jim Cleve. Handy Oliver and Blicky arrived at supper-time. "Reckon Jim's appetite is pore," remarked Bate Wood, reflectively. "He ain't been in to-day."

Thus, at the time when young Kenric became the lord of Bate, the whole of the isles west of the peninsula of Kintyre were in the hands of petty kings, who, holding lands of both crowns, were still uncertain to whom they should pay their paramount allegiance. During the minority of Alexander the Third all efforts to reduce the isles were abandoned.