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I can stand the rest, for they have plain wits; but he's too crazy-witty for my sanity. So, so, I leave him muttering." "Here's the ship's navel, this doubloon here, and they are all one fire to unscrew it. But, unscrew your navel, and what's the consequence? Then again, if it stays here, that is ugly, too, for when aught's nailed to the mast it's a sign that things grow desperate.

"My father isn't in, and I don't know where he is often he is out all night." "If we could just look round his shed, now?" said the sergeant. "Just to see if aught's missing, like, you know. You see, miss " "You can look round the shed and round anywhere else," said Avice. "Though what good that will do well, you know where the shed is."

"I will while I'm here," she said; "but we's be shiftin' afore aught's along we're allus shiftin'. We have to be terrible careful not to get cotched for sleeping out. They're that sharp wi' us they won't let a body do naught, so we dursen't stay too long i' one place. But I'll coom, an' ye can teach me if ye've a mind.

I've a sort of a forecasting in my inwards, like, as I always has when aught's gwain to happen, as though I shuldn't zee mun again, like, I have, miss. Well he was a bedient old soul, after all, he was. Goodness, Father! and all this while us have forgot the very thing us come about! Who did you see?" "Only that face!" said Rose, shuddering. "Not in the glass, maid? Say then, not in the glass?"

"Eh, He'll be like to tak' ye soon, feyther. He will He'll tak' ye afore aught's long," says the daughter. "Raly," she adds, as she pilots her visitor downstairs after this consolatory remark, "it's a'most to be 'oped as He will." Yet when He does, and poor feyther is carried away to his long home by his sons and cronies, there is genuine distress in the little household.

I notice nights after she's kept school for Sonny all day she talks consider'ble in her sleep, an' she says, "Aught's a aught" about ez often ez she says anything else. Oh, yas, sir; he's had consider'ble fusses with his teachers, one way an' another, but they ever'one declare they think a heap of 'im. Sir?

I can stand the rest, for they have plain wits; but he's too crazy-witty for my sanity. So, so, I leave him muttering." "Here's the ship's navel, this doubloon here, and they are all on fire to unscrew it. But, unscrew your navel, and what's the consequence? Then again, if it stays here, that is ugly, too, for when aught's nailed to the mast it's a sign that things grow desperate.

F' instance, in addin' up a colume o' figgers, ef she comes to a aught which some calls 'em naughts she'll say, "Aught's a aught," an' Sonny ain't been learned to say it that a-way; an' so maybe when she says, "Aught's a aught," he'll say, "Who said it wasn't!" an' that puts her out in countin'.

Jack hastened in from the back premises to inquire what was to-do, and Ted himself was obliged to hammer on the table with his knuckles before he could make himself heard. "Well," he resumed, "I've said it, an' I'll stick to it. You'll see, Margaret an' me 'ull be keeping coompany afore aught's long, an' Canon 'ull be shoutin' us at th' end o' th' month."

"Let's see," bringing her fingers into play, "aught's an aught, and two's two," marking that down with her index finger in her left palm, "then one and one is two, why, that's twenty-two, isn't it?" "Really, Molly, I'm ashamed of you to be so slow in adding." "Well, I never did like addition, it's substraction I'm so smart in." "Yes, it must be substraction, I think," sarcastically.