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Proceeding next to the island called Rishabha, that is destructive of cranes, and bathing in the Saraswati, an individual blazeth forth in heaven. Proceeding next to the tirtha called Auddalaka frequented by Munis, and bathing there one is cleansed of all his sins.

Proceeding next to the island called Rishabha, that is destructive of cranes, and bathing in the Saraswati, an individual blazeth forth in heaven. Proceeding next to the tirtha called Auddalaka frequented by Munis, and bathing there one is cleansed of all his sins.

Before Auddalaka began his sacrifice, he had thought of the Sarasvati. That foremost of rivers came to that region for the sake of those Rishis. Worshipped by all those Munis clad in barks and deer-skins she became known by the name of Manorama, as those Rishis mentally called her.

Listen now to me as I name those Rishis that worship the deities in sacrifices, dwelling in the northern region. They are Atri, Vasishtha, Saktri, Parasara's son Vyasa of great energy; Viswamitra, Bharadwaja, Jamadagni, the son of Richika, Rama, Auddalaka, Swetaketu, Kohala, Vipula, Devala, Devasarman, Dhaumya, Hastikasyapa, Lomasa, Nachiketa, Lomaharsana, Ugrasravas, and Bhrigu's son Chyavana.

The Rishis of rigid vows that were there, named this form of hers at Gaya as Visala. That river of swift current flows from the sides of the Himavat. Auddalaka had also, O Bharata, performed a sacrifice. A large concourse of Munis had been gathered there. It was on that sacred region, the northern part of Kosala, O king, that the sacrifice of high-souled Auddalaka was performed.