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His mensis astant Barones, et Principes pro vasallis attente in suis officijs ministrantes, quorum nec vnus emittere verbum aliqua praesumit audacia, nisi Imperatore annuente, vel ad illum loquente, illis duntaxat exceptis, qui certis interspatijs canunt, aut recitant de principum gestis.

When I wanted to publish my little French compositions Dors, mon enfant, and the music to Hugo's Attente and Ronsard's Mignonne Lewald not only sent me a small fee the first I had ever received for a composition but commissioned some long articles on my Paris impressions, which he begged me to write as entertainingly as possible.

Les classes qui payent l'impot sont parfaitement edifiees sur son compte; celles qui nele payent pas, et qui votent cependant, sont frappees indirectement par l'appauvrissement national et commencent a s'etonner que la Republique, dont le nom les flatte encore, reponde si mal a leur attente.

The Attente d'hiver, now famous, is his candid musical confession that the coma inflicted upon him by Véronique's unconcern was merely the drowsiness of the waiting earth before the New Year brought back the old story.

They cultivated a more guarded and concise style, which might indeed please the critic or the scholar, but was wholly unfitted to instruct or move a promiscuous audience; as was said of one of them, oratio doctis et attente audientibus erat illustris; a multitudine autem et a foro, cui nata eloquentia est, devorabatur.

But any priest or student who studies Steenkiste's work on the Psalms learns nearly all that is needed to recite his psalms digne, attente ac devote. His work is a mine of useful, pious, and, in the main, accurate comment on the inspired text. Breviary students studying this commentary need little else to help them to admire, to understand and to use their psalmody in a prayerful manner.

To-day theologians argue on different sides; and anxiety, serious, painful and life-long, reigns in the souls of many who struggle to recite the office, digne, attente ac devote. Authors generally give six causes which excuse a person from saying the Hours: lawful dispensation, important work, grave illness, grave fear, blindness, want of a Breviary. They are recorded in the well-known lines:

Have we taken pains to mark the places in the Breviary and looked over the rubrics? Has not negligence in these matters caused innumerable distractions? II. Dispositions which we should have in saying the Office: Let us find out with what dispositions we recite the Divine Office, and if we say it in the manner in which the Church wishes it to be said, digne, attente, ac devote.