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He was very handsome, you know, used to turn all the women's heads. 'Oh, that's it, is it? So he keeps it up in memory of the past. It's a pity there's no one for him to fascinate here though. I kept staring at his exquisite collars. They're like marble, and his chin's shaved simply to perfection. Come, Arkady Nikolaitch, isn't that ridiculous? 'Perhaps it is; but he's a splendid man, really.

'At any rate, in a proper organisation of society, it will be absolutely the same whether a man is stupid or clever, wicked or good. 'Yes, I understand; they will all have the same spleen. 'Precisely so, madam. Madame Odintsov turned to Arkady. 'And what is your opinion, Arkady Nikolaevitch? 'I agree with Yevgeny, he answered. Katya looked up at him from under her eyelids.

'From their unconstrained behaviour, Bazarov remarked to Arkady, 'and the playfulness of their retorts, you can guess that my father's peasants are not too much oppressed. Why, there he is himself coming out on the steps of his house. They must have heard the bells. It's he; it's he I know his figure. Ay, ay! how grey he's grown though, poor chap!

'A severe moralist would regard my openness, as improper; but, in the first place, it can't be concealed, and secondly, you are aware I have always had peculiar ideas as regards the relation of father and son. Though, of course, you would be right in blaming me. At my age.... In short ... that ... that girl, about whom you have probably heard already ... 'Fenitchka? asked Arkady easily.

But now, they need only say, "Everything in the world is foolery!" and the trick's done. Young men are delighted. And, to be sure, they were simply geese before, and now they have suddenly turned nihilists. 'Your praiseworthy sense of personal dignity has given way, remarked Bazarov phlegmatically, while Arkady was hot all over, and his eyes were flashing.

Still, I've noticed in hospital practice, the man who's furious at his illness he's sure to get over it. 'I don't quite understand you, observed Arkady; 'I should have thought you had nothing to complain of.

'But since that's a sense you don't understand, since you haven't that sensation, you can't judge of it. 'In other words, Arkady Kirsanov is too exalted for my comprehension. I bow down before him and say no more. 'Don't, please, Yevgeny; we shall really quarrel at last. 'Ah, Arkady! do me a kindness. I entreat you, let us quarrel for once in earnest....

You, Yevgeny, I shall of course offer my study. Suum cuique. 'There you have him! A comical old chap, and very good-natured, remarked Bazarov, directly Vassily Ivanitch had gone. 'Just such a queer fish as yours, only in another way. He chatters too much. 'And your mother seems an awfully nice woman, observed Arkady. 'Yes, there's no humbug about her. You'll see what a dinner she'll give us.

'An antique survival! But your father's a capital fellow. He wastes his time reading poetry, and doesn't know much about farming, but he's a good-hearted fellow. 'My father's a man in a thousand. 'Did you notice how shy and nervous he is? Arkady shook his head as though he himself were not shy and nervous.

Arkady began to tell his tale, and to talk of Bazarov with even greater warmth, even greater enthusiasm than he had done on the evening when he danced a mazurka with Madame Odintsov.