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'I am certain we are not seeing each other for the last time, Anna Sergyevna declared with an unconscious gesture. 'Anything may happen! answered Bazarov, and he bowed and went away. 'So you are thinking of making yourself a nest? he said the same day to Arkady, as he packed his box, crouching on the floor. 'Well, it's a capital thing. But you needn't have been such a humbug.

'Oho! Arkady thought to himself, and then in a flash all the fathomless depths of Bazarov's conceit dawned upon him. 'Are you and I gods then? at least, you're a god; am not I a dolt then? 'Yes, repeated Bazarov; 'you're still a fool. Madame Odintsov expressed no special surprise when Arkady told her the next day that he was going with Bazarov; she seemed tired and absorbed.

'What an exquisite woman Anna Sergyevna is! cried Arkady, when he was alone with his friend in the room assigned to them. 'Yes, answered Bazarov, 'a female with brains. Yes, and she's seen life too. 'In what sense do you mean that, Yevgeny Vassilyitch? 'In a good sense, a good sense, my dear friend, Arkady Nikolaevitch! I'm convinced she manages her estate capitally too.

Arkady gazed and gazed, and his reflections grew slowly fainter and passed away.... He flung off his cloak and turned to his father, with a face so bright and boyish, that the latter gave him another hug. 'We're not far off now, remarked Nikolai Petrovitch; 'we have only to get up this hill, and the house will be in sight.

You seem to forget my sister's beautiful and clever, and ... you in particular, Arkady Nikolaevitch, ought not to say such things, and with such a serious face too. 'What do you mean by "you in particular" and what makes you suppose I am joking? 'Of course, you are joking. 'You think so? But what if I'm persuaded of what I say? If I believe I have not put it strongly enough even?

'Well, no, I don't think so. 'I suppose an extra heir's not to your liking? 'I wonder you're not ashamed to attribute such ideas to me! retorted Arkady hotly; 'I don't consider my father wrong from that point of view; I think he ought to marry her. 'Hoity-toity! responded Bazarov tranquilly. 'What magnanimous fellows we are!

'To my mind, retorted Bazarov, 'Raphael's not worth a brass farthing; and they're no better than he. 'Bravo! bravo! Listen, Arkady ... that's how young men of to-day ought to express themselves! And if you come to think of it, how could they fail to follow you! In old days, young men had to study; they didn't want to be called dunces, so they had to work hard whether they liked it or not.

'Everything, repeated Bazarov, with indescribable composure. Pavel Petrovitch stared at him. He had not expected this; while Arkady fairly blushed with delight. 'Allow me, though, began Nikolai Petrovitch. 'You deny everything; or, speaking more precisely, you destroy everything.... But one must construct too, you know. 'That's not our business now.... The ground wants clearing first.

And now the bridge was groaning under the hoofs and wheels, and now the avenue of lopped pines seemed running to meet them.... There was a glimpse of a woman's pink dress against the dark green, a young face from under the light fringe of a parasol.... He recognised Katya, and she recognised him. Arkady told the driver to stop the galloping horses, leaped out of the carriage, and went up to her.

'I'm convinced, Arkady put in, 'that your son has a great future before him; that he will do honour to your name. I've been certain of that ever since I first met him. 'How ... how was that? Vassily Ivanovitch articulated with an effort. His wide mouth was relaxed in a triumphant smile, which would not leave it. 'Would you like me to tell you how we met? 'Yes ... and altogether....