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And between the Brother's successive insults he ejaculated in an undertone: 'Go on, go on; relieve yourself, you viper. I'll break your back for you by-and-by. Abbe Mouret tried to interfere, but Brother Archangias pushed him away, exclaiming: 'You are led by him yourself! Didn't he make you trample upon the cross? Deny it, if you dare! Then again, turning to Jeanbernat, he yelled: 'Ah!

Retreating yet a little further, Archangias picked from a heap of stones beside the road a piece of flint twice the size of a man's fist, and threw it at Jeanbernat. It would surely have split the other's forehead open if he had not bent down.

Then the gig rolled on wildly again, jolting dangerously as it ascended the stony hill that led to the Paradou. La Teuse was quite dumbfounded. But Brother Archangias sniggered and looked at her with savage delight glittering in his eyes. She noticed this at last, and thrust him away from her, almost making him fall down the steps.

And there, as she saw Serge hesitate, with lowered head she cried out violently: 'Away with you Go! And slowly she herself went back into the Paradou, without even turning her head. Night was fast falling, and the garden was but a huge bier of shadows. Brother Archangias, aroused from his slumber, stood erect in the breach, striking the stones with his stick and swearing abominably.

The peasants had set the litter on the grass and were stretching their arms, while Brother Archangias prepared the sprinkler. 'Come here, Voriau! called Fortune. The big black dog, who had gone to sniff at the coffin, came back sulkily. 'Why has the dog been brought? exclaimed Rosalie. 'Oh! he followed us, said Lisa, smiling quietly.

Those good people might feel hurt if I didn't. You stay here and play your game out while you are waiting for me. La Teuse glanced uneasily at Brother Archangias. 'Well, yes, I will stay here, cried the Brother. 'It is really too absurd. But before Abbe Mouret could open the door, he flung his cards on the table and rose to follow him.

The knaves and kings and queens were perpetually coming and going as the battle furiously progressed. 'It's a splendid game, eh? said Brother Archangias, turning towards Abbe Mouret.

Besides, I should have gone to that unhappy man all the same as I thought him in danger of death. Brother Archangias, his mouth full, struck the table violently with his knife, and roared: 'Jeanbernat is a dog; he ought to die like a dog. Then seeing the priest about to protest he cut him short: 'No, no, for him there is no God, no penitence, no mercy.

He gave to her that impassioned cult which to Brother Archangias savoured of heresy. In his opinion it was she who would save the Church by some matchless prodigy whose near appearance would entrance the world.

Far away, Abbe Mouret's eyes followed the path to Les Olivettes, a narrow pale ribbon stretching along like a wavy stay-lace. He could hear Brother Archangias whipping the truant schoolgirls, and spitting in the faces of their elder sisters. He could see Rosalie slyly laughing in her hands while old Bambousse hurled clods of earth after her and smote her on her hips.