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Because of her wealth, unscrupulousness, and small imagination, her one constant craving for novel experiences was easily satisfied. A long cigarette holder between her thin lips, one putty-colored lisle stocking showing to the knee, she exhaled, together with an odor of Florentine orris-root, a ruthless vigor and appetency for pleasure.

And had those ancient philosophers, who contended that the world was formed from atoms, ascribed their combinations to certain immutable properties received from the hand of the Creator, such as general gravitation, chemical affinity, or animal appetency, instead of ascribing them to a blind chance; the doctrine of atoms, as constituting or composing the material world by the variety of their combinations, so far from leading the mind to atheism, would strengthen the demonstration of the existence of a Deity, as the first cause of all things; because the analogy resulting from our perpetual experience of cause and effect would have thus been exemplified through universal nature.

A physical sign, an outward sign, Joseph cried, and he asked his father to say if the Jews would ever forget priests and ritual; and he reminded his father that the once sinner, now a holy anchorite, did not bring an appetency into the world that could be overcome by prayer, and so had to resort to the knife that he might live in the spirit.

III. The arteries constitute another reservoir of a changeful fluid; from which, after its recent oxygenation in the lungs, a further animal selection of various fluids is absorbed by the numerous glands; these select their respective fluids from the blood, which is perpetually undergoing a chemical change; but the selection by these glands, like that of the lacteals, which open their mouths into the digesting aliment in the stomach, is from animal appetency, not from chemical affinity; secretion cannot therefore be imitated in the laboratory, as it consists in a selection of part of a fluid during the chemical change of that fluid.

IV. Heat given out from glandular secretions. Blood changes colour in the lungs and in the glands and capillaries. V. Blood is absorbed by veins, as chyle by lacteal vessels, otherwise they could not join their streams. VI. Two kinds of stimulus, agreeable and disagreeable. Glandular appetency. Glands originally possessed sensation.

The organs of digestion and of sanguification in adults, and afterwards those of secretion, prepare or separate the particles proper for nourishment from other combinations of matter, or recombine them into new kinds of matter, proper to excite into action the filaments, which absorb or attract them by animal appetency.

Nor is it produced by chemical affinities, for then a solution of continuity would succeed, as when sugar is dissolved in water; but it is produced by an animal process, which is the consequence of irritation, or sensation; and which may be termed animal appetency.

Redoubling, then, the active energy of his thrusts, favoured by the fervid appetency of my motions, the soft oiled wards can no longer stand so effectual a picklock, but yield, and open him an entrance. I was quite sick with delight! stirred beyond bearing with its furious agitations within me, and gorged and crammed, even to a surfeit.

'The Capuchin monkeys, he continues, 'are singularly fond of these "chestnuts of Brazil," and the noise made by the seeds, when the fruit is shaken as it fell from the tree, excites their appetency in the highest degree. He does not, however, believe the 'tale, very current on the lower Oroonoco, that the monkeys place themselves in a circle, and by striking the shell with a stone succeed in opening it. That they may try is possible enough; for there is no doubt, I believe, that monkeys at least the South American do use stones to crack nuts; and I have seen myself a monkey, untaught, use a stick to rake his food up to him when put beyond the reach of his chain.

With every new change, therefore, of organic form, or addition of organic parts, I suppose a new kind of irritability or of sensibility to be produced; such varieties of irritability or of sensibility exist in our adult state in the glands; every one of which is furnished with an irritability, or a taste, or appetency, and a consequent mode of action peculiar to itself.