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Ayo's husband pays her parents for her, but half the payment vanishes when her mother raises eyebrows. Husband again completes payment. They chew betel-nut and the quids of the children go to those of their parents. Aponibalagen uses magic to create a residence in the ocean for his sister. Takes her and companions there on backs of crocodiles. Returns home.

As a matter of fact there is quite as much variation between the accounts of the same narrator as between those gathered from different towns. I. Aponitolau. II. Aponigawani. Sister of Aponitolau and wife of Aponibalagen. III. Aponibolinayen. Wife of Aponitolau. IV. Aponibalagen. Brother of Aponibolinayen, and husband of Aponigawani; also appears as Awig. V. Kanag.

I would not have heard any bad words if you had been careful." "Ala, Wanwanyen-Aponibolinayen, that is our custom, because we are related to the Kaboniyan and the alan always picks up some of us," said her father and mother. "It is good that Dumanau found you, who is your husband. Aponibolinayen, who talked bad before, is our relative. She is my sister," said Aponibalagen.

Son of Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen. VI. Dapilísan, wife of Kanag. VII. Dagoláyan. Son of Aponibalagen and Aponigawani. Also appears as Dondonyán of Bagonan the blood clot child. VIII. Alokotán. An old woman who acts as a medium. Her home is at Nagbotobotán, where the rivers empty their waters into the hole at the edge of the world. XI. Gaygayóma. A star maiden who marries Aponitolau.

"Ala! when it becomes evening you come and bring Aponibalagen," he said to Ebang. "Yes," she said. So she went home. As soon as she arrived in their house in Kaodanan, Aponibalagen asked the result of her trip. "They agreed all right; we will go when it becomes evening," said Ebang. When it became night they went to Kadalayapan and he lived with Aponigawani.

As soon as the betel-nut arrived in Kaodanan, "Good afternoon, Aponibolinayen and Kagkagákag want you to attend their Sayang." Aponibalagen laughed and said, "Yes," and he called all the people and told them to prepare to go to the balaua. When they arrived at the spring everyone was astonished, for all the fruit of the trees was of gold, and all the places they walked were covered with plates.

While they were still talking they kept on drinking the basi. When the old woman Langa-an became drunk she told them that Aponibolinayen was in Kadalayapan, and Aponibalagen was surprised and his heart jumped. "I went to hide Aponibolinayen in Lisnáyan so that no one would see her, but now someone has found her."

Not long after they sent the betel-nuts which were covered with gold to invite their relatives. Some of the betel-nuts they sent to Kaodanan. "Sir, come to Dagála, because Aponibolinayen and Algaba build balaua," said the betel-nut to Aponibalagen.

Then all the people discussed what should be done to bring peace between the two men, and it was finally decided that Kadayadawan must pay both Aponibalagen and Gawigawen the price that was first demanded for the beautiful girl. After this was done all were happy; and the guardian spirit of Kadayadawan gave them a golden house in which to live. Gawigawen of Adasen Tinguian

Child grows one span at each bath. Aponibalagen learns of child when milk from sister's breasts falls on him. He takes her home and prepares to celebrate balaua. Oiled betel-nuts are sent to summon guests. They grow on knees of those who refuse to attend. Ingiwan, poorly clad, appears at the ceremony and is recognized by the child but not by its mother.