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As soon as he whipped them one of them said, "We did not see any man come here, but we were all very sleepy one day a long time ago. We would have eaten the man if we had seen him." Aponibalagen whipped all of them again. "I put you here to prevent anyone from coming here, and you did not watch. Go away." The crocodiles were afraid and they said, "If that is what you say we will go." So they went.

Then Aponibalagen, seeing that he must obey, said to the betel-nut, "Get off my pig, and we will go." The betel-nut got off the pig's back, and the people started for the ceremony. When they reached the river, Gawigawen was there waiting to cross, for the magic nuts had forced him to go also.

"My name is Dumanau, who is the son of Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen of Kadalayapan." "My name is Aponigawani of Kaodanan, who is the wife of Aponibalagen, who has no sister." "My name is Aponibolinayen of Kadalayapan, who is the wife of Aponitolau, whose son is Dumanau." "My name is Wanwanyen-Aponibolinayen, who is the daughter of an alan of Matawatawen."

"You who live in the other towns who were invited, do not go home yet for we are going to take Aponibolinayen to Adasin," said Aponibalagen. Soon it became morning and they all went to Adasin and Gimbagonan carried two big baskets of cakes, and while they were walking she ate all the time and she ate half of them.

They are very different from us," said the women who were dipping water from the spring. Not long after Langa-an put on her skirt, and when she finished she said, "Are you not finished dipping water, Sinogyaman? I want you to guide me to the house of my nephew Aponibalagen, for I have forgotten the way, for I have not been here for a long time."

Aponibolinayen believed what Indiápan had told her. Not long after Dinawágan spread the string of agate beads along the floor where Aponibolinayen sat. After a month they were still there and the people from the other towns wished to go home, and Aponibalagen said to Aponibolinayen, "Ala, be good to your husband and uncover your face. We are going back home now."

Aponibalagen paid the same as Aponitolau did for Aponibolinayen. Not long after they returned to Kadalayapan and the next day Aponibalagen went and got Aponigawani. They danced for one month and then they took Aponigawani to Kaodanan, and all the people went home. This is all. "Mother Dinawágan go and engage me to someone, for I want to be married.

When the other betel-nuts arrived at Kadalayapan to invite the people they said to Langa-an, "Come to Dagála because Aponibolinayen and Algaba make balaua." Not long after Aponibalagen and Aponigawani and the other people went. When they reached the middle of the way they met the people of Kadalayapan, so they were a large party who went.

"We cannot go," said Aponibalagen, "for we are searching for my sister who is lost" "You must come," replied the betel-nut, "or I shall grow on your knee," "Grow on my pig," answered Aponibalagen; so the betel-nut went on to the pig's back and grew into a tall tree, and it became so heavy that the pig could not carry it, but squealed all the time.

Not long after they chewed betel-nut and they told their names. "My name is Kadayadawan of Pintagayan who is the son of an alan." "My name is Aponibolinayen of Natpangan, who is the daughter of Pagbokásan and Ebang, who is the sister of Aponibalagen." Their betel-nut quids became agate beads and Kadayadawan said to her, "Ala, it is good for us to marry. I am going to take you home."