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I humbly thank your Ladyship. Gay. I'm glad thou hast her, Harry; but doubt thou durst not own her; nay dar'st not own thy self. Bel. Yes, Friend, I have my Pardon But hark, I think we are pursu'd already But now I fear no force. L. Ful. However, step into my Bed-chamber. Enter Sir Feeble in an Antick manner. Sir Feeb. Sir Cau. How lash my filthy Carcase? I defy thee, Satan Sir Feeb.

We also seconded the shout begun by the family, and fell merrily aboard this; and Trimalchio no less pleas'd than our selves, cryed "Cut"; at which the musick sounding again, the carver humour'd it, and cut up the meat with such antick postures, you'd have thought him a carman fighting to an organ.

I was fearful agitated, and almost by the side of myself; but jest at that juncture jest as I sez to Josiah, "I shouldn't felt so bad if I had had a chance to tell him what I thought on him, and encourage him in his noble doin's, and warn him in one or two things" jest at that minit, sez Josiah, "I've lost my bandanny handkerchief;" and he told me, "To wait there for him, that he thought that he remembered where he had dropped it back in a antick room in the back part of the house."

"Throth, you're a madcap, Hanna," exclaimed her mother, placidly "an antick crather, dear knows her heart's in her mouth every minute of the day; an' if she gets through the world wid it always as light, poor girl, it'll be well for her." "Kathleen, will you get me a towel or praskeen of some sort to wipe my face wid," said her father, looking about for the article he wanted.

The chicaly bird began his musical quick cuckoo cry, the corrosou tolled out his bell notes, the "waggish kinds of Monkeys" screamed and chattered in the branches, playing "a thousand antick Tricks." Then the sun came up in his splendour above the living wall of greenery, and the men buckled on their gear, and fell in for the road.

Kept death his court, and there the antick sate, Scoffing her state and grinning at her pomp. Allowing her a little breath, a little scene To monarchise, be feared, and kill with looks, Infusing her with self and vain conceit, As if the flesh which walled about her life Were brass impregnable; and humoured thus, Bored through her castle walls; and farewell, Queen.

Cure then, thou mighty winged God, This raging Fever in my Blood. One golden-pointed Dart take back; But which, O Cupid, wilt thou take? if Damon's, all my hopes are crost: Or, that of my Alexis, I am lost. Enter Dancers, which dance an Antick. Car. Where only thou and I can find an entrance; These dull, these necessary delays of ours Have drawn my Love to an impatient height.

And so much the more, a little while after, there comes one and tells them by word of mouth, that there were several Schollars, which were playing some antick tricks in the night; and amongst some others both their Son and their Cousin were apprehended, and at this very present sad accusations were brought in against them.

"Who's there?" cried Castalio; and, when the friends opened the door, in came Beresynth, who immediately stationed himself in the middle of the room, and with sundry antick bows and writhings of his features, offered his services to the wise man. "Who are you?" exclaimed Castalio, who had changed colour, and pale and trembling had shrunk back a few steps.

It is the school of wrangling, and worse than the schools, for men will cavil here for a hair's breadth, and make a stir where a straw would end the controversy. No antick screws men's bodies into such strange flexures, and you would think them here senseless, to speak sense to their bowl, and put their trust in entreaties for a good cast.