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The same year Lord Hertford's marauding expedition, which did not spare the lands of Angus, made him join the anti-English party. He entered into a bond with Arran and others to maintain their allegiance to Mary, and gave his support to the mission sent to France to offer the latter's hand.

Twenty years ago it used to be said that feeling in the Western States of America was very strongly anti-English because most of the Western farmers were indebted to English moneylenders, and on the whole it may be said that the relations between the borrower and lender are not likely to be so friendly and so likely to promote unity as those between buyer and seller.

The end of the story is that the boy, who had become devoted to her, did as she suggested. To-day she receives letters from him which show that nothing is left of his anti-English complex. It is another instance of how clearly our native American mind, if only the facts are given it, thinks, judges, and concludes.

Much has been done to inflame animosity on each side; national rivalries have been encouraged, and national jealousies fomented. In travelling through the United States I expected to find a very strong anti-English feeling. In this I was disappointed.

'Let us carry our own goods at least, Silesian linens, Memel timbers, stock-fish; what need of the Dutch to do it? And in many branches his progress had been remarkable, especially in this carrying trade, while the War lasted, and crippled all Anti-English belligerents.

Assistance of Foreigners to the Repeal Agitation. Their Anti-English Motives. My lords, I do not dispute the extent of the conspiracy I do not dispute the dangers resulting from organization in Ireland I have stated it publicly on more than one occasion I do not deny it it is notorious, it is avowed, it is published in every paper all over the world.

I haven't any conscientious objection ... I don't feel that we are in the wrong ... I feel that we're in the right ... that we never were so right as we are. I'm simply anxious to save my skin. And even if I felt that John Marsh were right in being anti-English, I don't feel that I have any right to take up that attitude.

Nor will a single private employee be touched for the simple reason that the movement is not anti-English. It is not even anti-Government. Co-operation is to be withdrawn because the people must not be party to a wrong a broken pledge a violation of deep religious sentiment.

Henry George, who has never been suspected of anti-English tendencies, says: "The millions of India have bowed their necks beneath the yokes of many conquerors, but worst of all is the steady grinding weight of English domination a weight which is literally crushing millions out of existence, and, as shown by English writers, is inevitably tending to a most frightful and widespread catastrophe."

"He is not in sympathy with all of the plans advanced by his leader," she said, after a moment's reflection. "Your sympathies are with the Entente Allies, the prince's are opposed? Is that part of Sprouse's story true?" "Yes." "And O'Dowd?" "O'Dowd is anti-English, Mr. Barnes, if that conveys anything to you. He is not pro-German. Perhaps you will understand."