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Bravely did she bear up against the angry criticism excited by such anti-English sentiment. Strong in her right, Mrs. Browning was willing to brave the storm, confident that truth would prevail in the end. Apart from certain tours de force in rhythm, there is much that is grand and as much that is beautiful in these Poems, while there is the stamp of power upon every page.

"Indeed. Really, I wish I had known it sooner. It always gives me pleasure to meet persons of another nationality than my own. Intercourse with them makes for liberality of view. It often dispels anti-English prejudice. I am always glad to be helpful to strangers." "You are very kind," Iglesias said with gravity. "Not at all not at all.

Hearing them continually mention cases in which rebel Dutch had, in this way or that, shown their want of allegiance to the British Government, conclusions were jumped at that there must exist a reason for these recriminations and allegations, and that British officials were in reality too anxious to conciliate the anti-English elements in the Colony, to the detriment of the loyalists, whose feelings of patriotism they considered, as a matter of course, required no reward and scarcely any encouragement.

Many American gentlemen are known for such hostility. They make anti-English speeches about the country, as though they thought that war with England would produce certain triumph to the States, certain increase to American trade, and certain downfall to a tyranny which no Anglo-Saxon nation ought to endure. But such is hardly their real opinion.

It took no time at all to discover that he watched the course of politics in the Colonies pretty closely, and was heart and soul on the anti-English side. One thing which he said, in his effort to make my friend understand the difference between his position and the more abstract and educated discontent of New England and Virginia, sticks in my memory.

If this conception once takes firm hold, as I think it is beginning to do, of the Nationalist party in Ireland, much of the criticism of this chapter will lose its meaning. The mere substitution of a positive Irish policy for a negative anti-English policy will elevate the whole range of Nationalist political activity in and out of Ireland.

Irishmen when they go to America find themselves united by a bond which does not and could not exist in the Colonies though it does exist in Ireland the bond of anti-English feeling, and by the hope of giving practical effect to this feeling through the policy of their adopted country.

His last sentence is curiously confirmed by the Irish Daily Independent, which says: "What England forgets is the fact that when next Ireland fights she will not fight alone." This is not a warning, like the prophecy of Mr. Froude, it is a threat, for the Independent is not only a Nationalist, but an intensely anti-English paper. Another great historian, Mr.

Feuds of the Mahrattas Perron attacks Thomas End of Thomas Treaty of Bassein Lord Wellesley Treaty of Lucknow Wellesley supported Fear of the French Sindhia threatened Influence of Perron Plans of the French The First Consul Wellesley's Views War declared Lake's Force Sindhia's European Officers, English and French Anti-English Feelings and Fall of Perron Battle of Dehli Lake enters the Capital Emperor's Petition No Treaty made.

Italians of the lowest class did this to some extent, but the great bulk of our foreign-born population came here with the purpose of becoming American. Our Irish-American fellow-citizens gave concern to many. One complaint was that they brought hither their anti-English prejudices, by the loud and continual assertion of which they tended ever to embroil us with England.