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As Susanna approached him, Ansel called out, "The yairbs are all ready for ye, Susanna; the weeds have been on the rampage sence yesterday's rain. Seems like the more uselesser a thing is, the more it flourishes. The yairbs grow; oh, yes, they make out to grow; but you don't see 'em come leapin' an' tearin' out o' the airth like weeds. Then there's the birds!

On August 8, 1849, Governor Ansel Briggs of Iowa forwarded to the Secretary of War a petition, signed by over a hundred citizens of Iowa County, in which they complained of the presence of a great number of Indians who were destroying the timber, removing the section corners, and even demanding rent from some of the settlers claiming that they owned the land on the Iowa River.

Oh! we must cuddle close and be still; Elder Gray's going to sit down under the great maple; and do you see, all the Brothers seem to be up early this morning, just as we are?" "More love, Elder Gray!" called Issachar, on his way to the toolhouse. "More love, Brother Issachar!" "More love, Brother Ansel!" "More love, Brother Calvin!" "More love!.... More love!.... More love!"

Trustees 1st Ward Charles C. Rogers, Thomas Jones, Jr. 2d Ward Ansel Roberts, Henry K. Raynolds. 3d Ward Amos Townsend, Randall Crawford. 4th Ward David A Dangler, Simson Thorman. 5th Ward B. P. Bower, Joseph Sturges. 6th Ward John Huntington, George W. Calkins. 7th Ward E. S. Willard, Charles Pettingill. 8th Ward William H. Truscott, Joseph Randerson. 9th Ward John Martin, Fredrick W. Pelton. 10th Ward John J. Weideman, George Presley. 11th Ward Edward Russell, Stephen Buhrer.

They certainly don't when they're being dragged down by women-folks an' young ones." "I think the lasting part of the bargain makes it all the more solemn," Susanna argued. "Oh, yes, it's solemn enough, but so's a prayer meetin', an' consid'able more elevatin' "; and here Ansel regarded the surrounding scenery with frowning disapproval, as if it left much to be desired.

"You're about the best o' the lot, but even you have a kind of a managin' way with ye, besides fillin' us all full o' false hopes that we'd gathered in a useful Believer, one cal'lated to spread the doctrines o' Mother Ann!" "I know, I know, Ansel, and oh, how sorry I am! You would never believe how I long to stay and help you, never believe how much you have helped me!

Yet each time the mail was brought to the shanty she dreaded to look at it, and the sight of a stranger made her shake with fear. Ansel Coffin had threatened to come to Trumet. If he came, she had made up her mind what to do. The parish committee was to meet. Captain Elkanah had announced his intention of moving that John Ellery be expelled from the Regular church.

"Yes," she replied with a half smile; "but you see, Ansel, I 'jined' John Hathaway before I knew anything about Shaker doctrines." "Yee; but what's to prevent your onjinin' him? They used to tie up married folks in the old times so't they could n't move an inch.

I was sure who he was then, but I called in Ebenezer Capen, who used to know Coffin in New Bedford. And he recognized him. Nat, as sure as you and I are here this minute, Ansel Coffin, Aunt Keziah's husband, is buried in the Trumet cemetery." Mr.

But between January 17th, 1887, and March 14th he was not himself but another, and that other one Albert J. Brown, who ceased to exist consciously on March 14th, but who promptly returned four years afterwards, when Ansel Bourne was hypnotised, and showed that he remembered perfectly all that happened to him between these two dates.