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Goodbye, Ansel; you've made me smile when my heart was breaking. I shan't forget you!" XII. The Hills of Home Susanna had found Sue in the upper chamber at the Office Building, and began to make the simple preparations for her homeward journey. It was the very hour when John Hathaway was saying: "Set her place at hearth and board As it used to be."

He must be going to take the dead branches off the apple trees; I heard Ansel tell him yesterday to do it." "Yee, that will be it," said Hetty, bending over the plants as if she were afraid to look elsewhere. Nathan came nearer to the herb-garden. He was a tall, stalwart, handsome enough fellow, even in his quaint working garb.

She raised her eyebrows, acknowledging the human condition, and he walked back to the motel. At the edge of town, trees were dark behind a body of water that was platinum and still. Fish broke the surface with soft slaps in the centers of expanding circles. Ansel Adams might have caught the many shades of silver just before the lights went out.

Trustees 1st Ward Charles C. Rogers, Silas Merchant. 2d Ward Ansel Roberts, Peter Diemer. 3d Ward Amos Townsend, J. C. Shields. 4th Ward Maurice B. Clark, Proctor Thayer. 5th Ward William Heisley, Thomas Purcell. 6th Ward John Huntington, Edward Hart. 7th Ward Christopher Weigel, Charles B. Pettingill. 8th Ward William H. Truscott, Joseph Houstain. 9th Ward John Martin, F. W. Pelton. 10th Ward Reuben H. Becker, William Wellhouse. 11th Ward Robert Larnder, Charles E. Gehring.

By this time mother and child had reached the orchard end of a row, and Brother Ansel was thirstily waiting to deliver a little more of the information with which his mind was always teeming. "Them Boston people that come over to our public meetin' last Sunday," he began, "they was dretful scairt 'bout what would become o' the human race if it should all turn Shakers.

Susanna could not help smiling at Ansel's arraignment of her sex. "Do you think they follow you for the pleasure of shopping, or the pleasure of your conversation, Ansel?" she asked slyly. "A little o' both, mebbe; though the pleasure's all on their side," returned the unchivalrous Ansel.

I'm going back to the world, but no man shall ever say I hindered him from being good. You'll see women clearer in another world." "There'll be precious few of 'em to see!" retorted Ansel.

Hetty gave a nervous start; her cheeks grew so crimson and her breath so short that Susanna noticed the change. "It will be Brother Ansel coming along to the grindstone," Hetty stammered, burying her head in the leaves. "No," Susanna answered, "it is Nathan. He has a long pole with a saw on the end.

So did the old house and big barn and all the tumbledown buildin's stuck there in the beach-grass and sand. Afore they'd left they made a dicker. He wa'n't the principal in it. He was the private secretary and fust mate of Mr. Professor Ansel Hobart Dixland, the scientist perhaps Scudder'd heard of him? "Perhaps he had, but if so, Nate forgot it, though he didn't tell him that.

There's a heap o' useless critters in the univarse, but I guess birds are 'bout the uselessest, 'less it's grasshoppers, mebbe." "I don't care what you say about the grasshoppers, Ansel, but you shan't abuse the birds," said Susanna, stooping over the beds of tansy and sage, thyme and summer savory. "Weeds or no weeds, we're going to have a great crop of herbs this year, Ansel!" "Yee, so we be!