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"No go now," he whispered, with a look of alarm in his face, and he leaned over me and dragged my companions down in turn. "No can go now. Allee gate fasten. Makee blave velly angly and dlaw sword; fightee fightee. Ching velly solly. Must stop now."

"No," he said; "velly long way yet." "But who are these?" I said "some village people?" "Pilate," he cried. "Allee come home not kill, and findee plize-money gone. Makee velly angly. Wantee chop off sailor head." "Like to catch 'em at it," growled Tom Jecks, who had been very silent for some time. "Silence there!" cried Mr Reardon sternly. Then to me, "We seem to have checked them, Herrick."

"No, not this time, Ching," cried Barkins, as we all laughed. "No go allee way London? Ching wantee go London, see Queen Victolia and Plince o' Wales." "Some other time, Ching," I said. "But I say, how about the fancy shop?" "Allee light. Ching go back." "And how are you after our fight to-day?" "Velly angly. Allee muchee quite 'shame of mandalin men. Big lascal, evely one."

"Hello!" he said, picking up a long-stemmed rose, "where did you find this beauty?" "I guessed her with my nose," the girl answered. "You know what make her heart so red? Long time ago, most beautiful princess love with wrong man. Make Buddha ve'y angly, and he turn her body into white rose. But her heart just stay all time red 'cause of beautiful love that was there."

"Ah, mastel," exclaimed Ling, glancing apprehensively over his shoulder; "no speak so loud. Listen. When you save my life this molning, me wish velly much that me could wain you, but me dale not then it too late. But Ling nevel folget kindness of mastel; and me tly to savee you, if can. But to do that me must pletend me velly glad you caught; pletend me velly angly against you.

"No, no," he cried, dragging the long plait from my hand; "mightee cut tow-chang, and that velly dleadful. Take long time glow." "Very well, then. I'll unfasten it, and show it to Mr Reardon." "What for? make Mis' Leardon velly angly, scold jolly sailor boy. Then they not like Ching 'tall." "But it's too bad; treating you just as if you were a dog." "Jolly sailor boy tie tin-pot dog tow-chang? No.

There was a low hissing noise all about us, and threatening looks, while a fierce man in embroidered silk said something in his own tongue to Ching, who answered humbly, and then tamed to us and whispered "Small-button mandalin say make big-button peacock-feather mandalin velly angly. You no sit still. Sh! sh!" "We must sit it out, boys," I said, with a shudder; "but we need not look."