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"Blessed times, upon my life!" quoth the major; "I wish we had them back again." "There's more of your mind," said Mike, steadying himself. "My ancesthors was great people in them days; and sure it isn't in my present situation I'd be av we had them back again, sorra bit, faith! It isn't, 'Come here, Mickey, bad luck to you, Mike! or, 'That blackguard, Mickey Free! people'd be calling me.

'I've heerd me good ol' cast-iron gods or josses abused, I says, 'an' I've been packed full iv canned goods, an' th' Peking Lightnin' Express is r-runnin' sthraight through th' lot where th' bones iv me ancesthors lies, I says. 'I've shtud it all, I says, 'but whin ye come here to bounce me off iv me own primises, I says, 'I'll have to take th' leg iv th' chair to ye, I says.

'Gintlemen, he says, 'an' fellow-sinitors, th' time has come, he says, 'whin th' eagle burrud iv freedom, he says, 'lavin', he says, 'its home in th' mountains, he says, 'an' circlin', he says, 'undher th' jool 'd hivin, he says, 'fr'm where, he says, 'th' Passamaquoddy rushes into Lake Erastus K. Ropes, he says, 'to where rowls th' Oregon, he says, 'fr'm th' lakes to th' gulf, he says, 'fr'm th' Atlantic to th' Passific where rowls th' Oregon, he says, 'an' fr'm ivry American who has th' blood iv his ancesthors' hathred iv tyranny in his veins, your ancesthors an' mine, Mr.

"For a thousand years," says Flannagan, "by the imerald seas of the Orient, have the ancesthors of me frinds on me right developed the soopleness of limb an' the art that is becalled by the Mahatmas an' thim Boodhists 'the art of the symbolical attichude, as discovered and practised in the Injian Ocean's coral isles, which by the same they do expriss their feelin's till ye get a mysthical pain in your stomick wid lookin' at 'em.

"The poethry, ye see, was put to it by one of my ancesthors, he was a great inventhor in times past, and made beautiful songs, and ye'd never guess what it's all about." "Love, mayhap?" quoth Monsoon. "Sorra taste of kissing from beginning to end." "A drinking song?" said I. "Whiskey is never mentioned." "Fighting is the only other national pastime. It must be in praise of sudden death?"