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"Only the divvle's in the luck, there's not a fresh egg to be had no, nor a fresh chicken," continued I, "nor a stale one either; nor a tayspoonful of souchong, nor a thimbleful of bohay; nor the laste taste in life of butther, salt or fresh; nor hot rowls or cowld!" "In the name of heaven!" said Mrs. Van, growing very pale, "what is there, then?"

In a pretty high place, which lies very open, they have surrounded a circumference of two or three hundred paces diameter with a sorry kind of balustrade, or rather with postes placed upon stakes but three feet from the ground; and the coaches drive round this. When they have turned for some time round one way they face about and turn t'other: so rowls the world!"

"And do you like hot rowls or cowld muffins or crumpets fresh butter or salt? And you, gentlemen, what do you say to some ilegant divvled-kidneys for yourselves, and just a trifle of grilled turkeys, and a couple of hundthred new-laid eggs for the ladies?" "Pooh, pooh! be it as you will, my dear fellow," answered they all. "But stop," says I. "O ladies, O ladies!

McAdoo, he says, 'there goes up a mute prayer that th' nation as wan man, fr'm Bangor, Maine, to where rowls th' Oregon, that, he says, 'is full iv salmon, which is later put up in cans, but has th' same inthrest as all others in this question, he says, 'that, he says, 'th' descindants iv Wash'nton an', he says, 'iv Immitt, he says, 'will jine hands f'r to protect, he says, 'th' codfisheries again th' Vandal hand iv th' British line, he says.

I wish that filly of ours was dockt; you ought to spake to Jim M'Quade about her: it's time to make her up you know, we'll want to sell her for the rint." This was an assertion, by the way, which Ned knew to have everything but truth in it. "No; but I hope we won't be long go." "Well, any how, we wor in luck to buy in them three last rowls." "Eh? in luck? death-alive, how, Ned?"

Th' same people that is washed occasionally be th' Mississippi as it rowls majistic along th' imperyal States iv Oheeho an' Duluth, wathrin' th' fertyle plains iv Wyoming an' Mattsachusetts, is to be found airnin' a livin' on th' short but far more dirtier Thames. We have th' same lithrachoor.

Dooley, "is an animal something like a hor-rse, but more like a balloon. It doesn't walk, swim, or fly. It rowls whin pur-suin' its prey. It whirls 'round an' 'round at a speed akel to a railroad injine, meltin' th' ice in a groove behind it. Tame walruses are used be th' Eskeemyoos, th' old settlers iv thim parts, as lawnmowers an' to press their clothes.

Take every sort of pleasing Flowers, as Violets, Cowslips, Gilly-flowers, Roses or Marigolds, and beat them in a Mortar, each flower by it self with sugar, till the sugar become the colour of the flower, then put a little Gum Dragon steept in water into it, and beat it into a perfect paste; and when you have half a dozen colours, every flower will take of his nature, then rowl the paste therein, and lay one piece upon another, in mingling sort, so rowl your Paste in small rowls, as big and as long as your finger, then cut it off the bigness of a small Nut, overthwart, and so rowl them thin, that you may see a knife through them, so dry them before the fire till they be dry.

"Only the divvle's in the luck, there's not a fresh egg to be had no, nor a fresh chicken," continued I, "nor a stale one either; not a tayspoonful of souchong, nor a thimbleful of bohay; nor the laste taste in life of butther, salt or fresh; nor hot rowls or cowld!" "In the name of Heaven!" said Mrs. Van, growing very pale, "what is there, then?"

She worked flannel petticoats for the Quashyboos cotton night-caps for the Cocoanut Indians painted handscreens for the conversion of the Pope and the Jews sat under Mr. Rowls on Wednesdays, Mr. Huggleton on Thursdays, attended two Sunday services at church, besides Mr. Bawler, the Darbyite, in the evening, and all in vain. Mrs.