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Tell me, how goes it with Mameena?" "Oh, well, well, Macumazahn. For is she not the head lady of the Amasomi? There is nothing wrong with her nothing at all, except that as yet she has no child; also that ," and he paused. "That what?" I asked.

Now, my Idhlozi, my Spirit, do you speak?" and, holding his head sideways, he turned his left ear up towards the sky, then said presently, in a curious, matter-of-fact voice: "Ah! I thank you, Spirit. Well, King, your grandchild was killed by the House of Masapo, your enemy, chief of the Amasomi."

As to the private cloud whereof this history tells, it was otherwise. As the tribes came up to the Great Place they were reviewed and sent away, since it was impossible to feed so vast a multitude as would have collected had they all remained. Thus the Amasomi, a small people who were amongst the first to arrive, soon left.

Indeed, the person who does so is apt to be called an "umtakati", or bewitcher, who will bring evil upon its head, a word that I heard murmured by several near to me. Nandie dragged it from him, saying: "Would you bring death upon my son, O Chief of the Amasomi?" Then, turning, she walked away from the feasters, upon whom there fell a certain hush.

"You have been giving her some bad counsel, Zikali," I said, blurting out the thought in my mind. "Perhaps, perhaps, Macumazahn; only I may call it good counsel. I have my own road to walk, and if I can find some to clear away the thorns that would prick my feet, what of it? Also she will get her pay, who finds life dull up there among the Amasomi, with one she hates for a hut-fellow.

My destination was Nodwengu, Panda's Great Place, where I hoped to do some trading, but, as I was in no particular hurry, my plan was to go round by Masapo's, and see for myself how it fared between him and Mameena. Indeed, I reached the borders of the Amasomi territory, whereof Masapo was chief, by evening, and camped there.

At length she rose and said with a sigh that she must be going back to where the Amasomi were in camp, as Masapo would need her to see to his food. By now it was quite dark, although I remember that from time to time the sky was lit up by sheet lightning, for a storm was brewing.

Presently, however, he seemed to become aware of Masapo, and instantly his whole demeanour changed, for it grew proud and even terrible. Masapo tendered him some greeting; whereon Saduko turned upon him and said: "What, chief of the Amasomi, do you give the good-day to an umfokazana and a mangy hyena? Why do you do this?