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"Not the special reason," Billy said, with an adoring look; then in her ear: "I know you don't care for money any more'n I do. But I'm bound to have some if there's any chance it's it's because of the major. I'll tell you all about it, after the race." The parade was nearly over when Allys and her three swains came again to the lawn.

Adair said, leaning across Billy, who would have given back but that Allys clung to him in silence, her eyes glued to the glass, flushing and paling, her breath coming quicker even thus early in the race. There were open lengths all along the lightweights were bent on making it a runaway race. Billy knew they could never do it.

Although the others gave him civil, if formal, greeting, Billy felt their hostility intuitively, and flung up his head like a stag at bay. "You got my note have you done it yet?" he asked, bending over Allys in a fashion that made Hilary's teeth set hard. She laughed back at him: "Have you done it yet? Bet your whole fortune on the Heathflower thing at a hundred to one?" Billy nodded confidently.

"'Tain't much only a thousand. Lordy! if I could, wouldn't I burn up these ringsters! You ought to a-heard 'em, Miss Allys, when I went at 'em. 'The Heathflower thing, did you say? the first one asked me. 'Oh, say! do you want to rob us poor fellows?

"Not yer honour's. I will allys say that for your honour. You never did nothing to none of us." "You had land on the estate till some twelve months since, and then you were evicted for five gales of rent." "That's thrue, too, yer honour." "You ought to be a rich man now, seeing that you have got two-and-a-half years' rent in your pocket, and I ought to be poor, seeing that I've got none of it."

I'm sure you couldn't tell half so much about either of us," Adair said, with a deeply injured air. Allys shook her head at him. "They are dears," she said, emphatically. "And they taught me a lot I should never have known about horses and men." "Anything specific as about the Heathflower thing?" Hilary asked, affecting to speak with awe. Allys nodded. "A heap," she said.

Billy turned to shield Allys, until by the stunned silence falling on the course, he knew the boards were going up with the Flower's number at the top of them. Then he took the fence in front at a flying leap, and came to himself only when he had both arms about the Flower's neck, his face pressed to it, and tears raining, as he whispered: "You won, lady! You had to!

If it were only Adair, she would not mind Hilary was, she knew, very much more critical. She might have run away, but that she caught the Hammond girl's look amusement and satisfaction struggled through it, although the young lady tried hard to mask them. Allys turned wholly, holding out both hands, and saying: "Billy, by all that's delightful! I've just been telling these people about you.

Allys nodded to them gayly, as she asked: "Tim, have you come up to break New York? I hear your stable will need a special car to take home its money after the Far and Near." "Yessum, dat's so!" Tim said. Amos scowled at him, but said to Allys, respectfully: "Please'um, don't ax dat dar fool boy no mo' 'bout de Flower hit's mighty bad luck sayin' whut you gwine do, ontwel you is done done it."

With all our heart we were able to agree with our allys estimate of the situation, and assure him that any action considered necessary to end the movement in Servia directed against the conservation of the monarchy would meet with our approval.