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What tremendous power of self-mastery in those "nots"! Then the positive side is brought out in four "alls"; two of them the first and last passive qualities, "beareth all things," "endureth all things." And in between, two active "hopeth all things," "believeth all things." The passive qualities doing sentinel duty on both sides of the active.

"While I was in this wretched situation, my father's unkindness having almost broken ray heart, he came one day into my room with more anger in his countenance than I had ever seen, and, after bitterly upbraiding me with my undutiful behaviour both to himself and his worthy consort, he bid me pack up my alls, and immediately prepare to quit his house; at the same time gave me a letter, and told me that would acquaint me where I might find a home; adding that he doubted not but I expected, and had indeed solicited, the invitation; and left me with a declaration that he would have no spies in his family.

I don't understan' my ole heart; I guess it's kinder sick and wants a doctor, 'cause it don't work right. But dere's one ting I does understan'. It 'pears dat it would be a good heaven 'nuff if I'se could allers be waitin' on you alls. But Massa Allen's gone; Miss Zell, poor chile, is gone; and I'se growin' ole, Miss Edie, I'se growin' ole. De wool is white, de jints are stiff, and de feet tired.

We alls too po' fer anythin' to hurt." "But hit looks lak Sweetheart's ghos'," declared Johnny, "an' hit's got pink ribbin on. I declar' hit look lak Sweetheart's ghos', Sistuh Ma'y." At that beloved name, Mary rushed out, while the family trailed behind, Mrs. McSwiggins bringing up the rear with the wan baby in her arms.

Go and get some money out of the squire, that is so precious fond of you." "Richard, Richard!" said his mother anxiously. "Mother, I'm the boy's guardian. I know what it is. He has been crammed with nonsense by that idle knave at the Four Alls. Look'ee, my man, if I catch you speaking to him again, I'll flay your skin for you." "Why shouldn't I?" replied Desmond. "I saw you speaking to him."

"'Ave you seen him? He ain't a hoss at all. He's a he-goat. Only I've shave the top of him to took you all in. He's comin' on at the 'alls to-night after the race. Goin' to sit on a stool and sing The Wop 'em Opossum, specially composed by me and Mar for this occasion only." He lilted on his way. By noon the Paddock was filling, and the Carriage Enclosure becoming packed.

Hucks, "is a friend of two children that broke out of 'Oly Innocents t'other day as it maybe you'll remember. What's more, she 's brought news o' them." "Oh!" said Sam, his face clearing. "Doin' pretty well, I 'ope?" "They were quite well when I left them, two days ago. Come, shake hands and tell me. How is everyone at the 'Four Alls'?"

"Jest a one 'oss fly, goin' at a one 'oss fly pace!" he repeated, slowly; "It's a cheap way of comin' 'ome to one's father's 'Alls jest in a one 'oss fly! She might ha' ordered a kerridge an' pair by telegram, an' dashed it up in fine style, but a one 'oss fly! It do take the edge off a 'ome-comin'! it do reely now."

"Mebby it's the third mornin' after we- alls meanders into this nest of Mexicans, an' the lieutenant gets lined out for that Princess of Casa Grande. We ain't been turnin' out early nohow, thar bein' nothin' to turn out about; but this third mornin' somebody arouses us a heap vigorous, like they aims to transact some business with us.

"These yere events crowdin' each other that a-way first a weddin' an' then an infant boy has a brightenin' effect on public sperit. It makes us feel like the camp's shorely gettin' a start. While we- alls is givin' way to Billy's desire to buy whiskey, Peets comes back, bringin' 'Doby. "Thar's nothin' what you-alls calls dramatic about 'Doby an' Billy comin' together.