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A year after his return, Job Grinsell, the landlord of the Four Alls, had been sentenced to a long term of imprisonment for poaching, and Mr. Merriman had no difficulty in persuading Sir Philip Chetwode to let his inn to Bulger. After an interview with Mr. Merriman, Desmond found the courage to put to Phyllis the question which he had not ventured to ask before she left India.

"She just opened the do' and pointed at that little old plain room with her bony finger and said: 'This is you alls room, Miss Gerard, and left me. I tell you I like to died." The tears threatened to burst forth again. Betty and Polly hastened to explain that the Spartan was not even to be considered as part of Seddon Hall.

When the long tale ended, the sun was beginning to go down towards its bed in the west. There was a pause. "You'd make a tidy bit on the 'alls," said Beale, quite awestruck. "The things you think of! When did you make all that up?" "I dreamed it, I tell you," said Dickie. "You always could stick it on," said Mr. Beale admiringly. "I ain't goin' to stick it on never no more," said Dickie.

You understand, you do understand me. Say that you do." "I understand. Noble child! noble choice! God bless you! God comfort me!" murmured Kenelm. Their eyes met. Oh, the sadness; and, alas! oh the love in the eyes of both! Kenelm passed on. All said in an instant. How many Alls are said in an instant!

'I allows in the interests of peace that I canters over an' sees you- alls first. I ain't out to shake up Wolfville, nor give Red Dog a chance to criticise us none as a disorderly camp; but I asks you gents, as citizens an' members of the vig'lance committee, whether I'm to stand an' let this yere sharp round-up my music to hold his revels by, an' put it all over me nightly?

The gossips of the neighborhood seized upon the presence of a stranger at the Four Alls, but they caught the barest glimpses of him; Grinsell was as a stone wall in unresponsiveness to their inquiries; and the black boy, if perchance a countryman met him on the road and questioned him, shook his head and made meaningless noises in his throat, and the countryman would assure his cronies that the boy was as dumb as a platter.

I'd a heap rader stay here in Bushtown and starve to death wid you alls, dan live in de grandest house on de avenue." "Oh, Hannibal," said Edith, putting her hand on the old man's shoulder, and looking at him with her large eyes dimmed with grateful tears, "you don't know how much good you have done me. I have felt that there were none to trust not one, but you are as true as steel.

It was a mellow day in October 1760, a little more than six years since the day when Market Drayton gave rein to its enthusiasm in honor of Clive. From a flagstaff newly erected on the roof of the Four Alls on the Newport Road, a square of bunting flapped in the breeze.

Diggle had warned him that he would find seafaring men somewhat different from the country folk among whom all his life hitherto had been passed. Diggle's frankness had pleased him. They had left the Four Alls early on the morning after that strange incident at the squire's.

The only other fare was a bouncing girl in a big hat with feathers. "Going to the market, my dear? No? I hates it myself, too, so I goes to the 'alls instead. Come from the country, don't ye? Same here. Father's a farmer, but he's got sixteen besides me, so I won't be missed. Live? I live at Mother Nan's dress-house now. Nice gloves, ain't they? My hat? Glad you like the style.